Title: Into Thin Air
Fandom: Heroes
Character: Nathan Petrelli
Rating: G
Wordcount: 100
pinkfinity. She wanted some 1st/2nd Season Nathan. Day 15 of
Drabble-a-Day 2011. Beta'd by
hllangel.Thanks to Hubby for suggesting the title. Comments and concrit welcome. Takes place just before the start of Season 1.
Summary: Keeping secrets is the family business.
I can fly.
Nathan does his best to forget who he is. Mother has certainly drilled secrecy into him, along with her constant diatribes about his brilliant future and the undying glory of the Petrelli name.
He’s played the game thus far; right down to marrying the perfect wife and having a photogenic family. The accident should have changed everything, but it’s only moved him further toward the ultimate goal.
Now he spends his days meeting with donors, shaking hands and flashing his most sincere smile at gullible voters. He can have anything or be anyone he wants.
Except himself.