30 Days of Shipping Meme

Jan 05, 2011 10:56

Meme of doom ganked from The Fabulous Ree

Question List

Day 3: A pairing that needs to happen now.Booth and Brennan-Bones ( Read more... )

meme, 30 days of shipping, bones

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Comments 5

rustydog January 6 2011, 19:50:57 UTC
I know we're all more savvy as viewers these days, but could it BE any more obvious what the writers are trying (not) to do? Sigh. And yet I'm torn, because I don't think they would handle them together any better than they've handled them apart.


karaokegal January 6 2011, 19:53:47 UTC
You're probably right, considering how badly they've handled the actual canon couples, but the stupidity they've shown in keeping them apart, is just getting ridiculous. Booth trying to convince Brennan that's he not gonna dump whatsherhame while Brennan CRIES (!!!) just had me throwing things (well, invective anyway) at the tv set.


book_junkie007 October 20 2011, 16:16:08 UTC
Spoilers for this comment. Also, it may ramble, and I may use a ton of fandom shorthand...

Just found this. I agreed that B&B had to get together fairly soon, and then when they DID get together, the fans were in an uproar about HOW they got together. There is no pleasing the fans in this fandom sometimes. It wasn't, "Yay, they're together now!" It was, "We haven't seen them go out on a date or anything before they got together, now they're going to have a BABY?!" It feels like the writers knew people were getting restless (they're certainly vocal enough; Hart Hanson has stopped replying to people on Twitter who aren't on his following list 'cuz he was tired of getting harassed, or the Bring Back Zach crazies, take your pick), and got them together in an unconventional way. The unconventional way does make sense, cuz B&B were never ones for doing things "normally", but it STILL pissed people off.


karaokegal October 21 2011, 14:56:57 UTC
I don't consider myself overly invested either way. Bones has generally been a show I could watch without shipping and therefore without caring too much. Just a fun procedural...however, I did find myself HATING Angela for being such self-involved flako from the time she and Hodgens got together. The thing that made me put Booth and Brennan in this spot was that hideously done flashback/retcon episode which was clearly ONLY there for the purpose of NOT having them get together so TPTB could string it out even longer ( ... )


book_junkie007 October 21 2011, 19:18:18 UTC
Bones is the first show I have seriously gotten into since having discovered decent TV (I won't tell you what I was watching in high school, three short years ago, just know it wasn't prime time), so it's close to my heart, but I had issues with the sixth season ( ... )


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