"Some Say That We Are Players..." H/W NC17 Wordcount 2813

Jul 02, 2007 09:51

Title: Some Say That We Are Players...
Author: karaokegal
Fandom: House MD
Pairing: House/Wilson
Rating: NC17
Wordcount: 2813
Spoilers for Resignation
Notes: Birthday fic for the lovely timbershiver who wanted to see Wilson in (and out of) scrubs and House wearing glasses. (OK, the glasses might have been my idea.)Contains smut, angst and a not completely miserable ( Read more... )

housefic, nc17, house/wilson

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Comments 49

drunken_hedghog July 2 2007, 17:42:17 UTC
"Dr. Pot, there’s a Mr. Kettle on line one. " - Great line. And wow, you had the opportunity for a less than happy ending, and you ignored it! ;) Great fic.


karaokegal July 3 2007, 01:32:21 UTC
I think the ending was hopeful, but still ambiguous. Wilson knows what he's walking back into. (Of course he's got stars directing his fate, but that's another story.)
And trust me, there is some mega angst in the pipeline.

Thanks so much reading and commenting. Glad you liked.



petrichor_fizz July 2 2007, 17:59:43 UTC
Puppy scrubs. Fantastic.

This is great, because it's a mixture of humour, smut and introspection, and each of them works really well.

I love the end especially. And this line: Wilson trailed off, clearly wanting to say something, but not able to do so, maybe not in the chapel or maybe not to the person who most needed to hear it.

I know, I'm pathetic.


karaokegal July 3 2007, 01:26:56 UTC
Your icon is giving me heart palpitations!

YOU ARE NOT PATHETIC!!! You love the guyz and the shit they keep putting each other and themselves through. I'm glad the combination worked for you in this story.

Thanks as always for reading and commenting.



nightdog_barks July 2 2007, 20:02:31 UTC
This is just wonderful. I'm glad the ending was not completely miserable.

Loved this:

Even the ridiculously loose-fitting scrub pants were too tight. With a pull at the drawstring, the puppies hit the floor. They tried to cling to his shoes, but the whole collection of encumbrances was swiftly kicked away. He tried not to hear the dogs whimpering in dismay at their shabby treatment.

What a great treatment of the puppy scrubs -- a mix of canines and clothing that made me first smile, then laugh out loud.


karaokegal July 3 2007, 01:24:54 UTC
Yesssss....laughing out loud FTW! No matter how much angst I write, I still consider myself a basically funny writer (whether anyone else agrees or not) so get some LOL is a good thing.

Thanks so much for reading and commenting.


perspi July 2 2007, 20:19:27 UTC
YOU ARE OF TEH AWESOME. This is hot and sweet and not too sweet and just plain awesome. I love the slightly hopeful ending. I love the puppy scrubs. I love House in glasses--I'm afraid I'm like Wilson; those glasses are sexy. I loved that Wilson thought cattily about Cameron. Like I said, TEH AWESOME.



karaokegal July 3 2007, 01:23:19 UTC
OOOHHHH---A squeee from the new Mommy! Welcome back, hon. BIG SMOOCH.

I loves me some Squuuuueeeee. And there's no question about the sexiness of House in the glasses. Mrrrrroooowwww. And it was fun letting bad!Wilson out long enough to snark Cameron. I still think that MLC left a lot of Wilson/Cam hostility in the air, which made various bits of late season 3 almost incomprehensible.


weelittleelf July 2 2007, 20:34:32 UTC
This was great. God, I hope they don't fuck it all up in the end. In fanon or canon. Just wanted to let you know that I enjoyed this.


karaokegal July 3 2007, 01:19:55 UTC
Thanks for letting me know. Comments make me happy, especially ones like this. I have tremendously more faith in the fic writers than in TPTB at this point, but I still think there is a possibility of a canon resolution that gives something to the H/W fanbase before the end.


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