30 Days of Movies Meme-Day 30

Aug 25, 2010 19:46

Ganked from speccygeekgrrl

List of questions


Day 30 - Your favorite film of all-time

Was there ever any doubt?

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meme, 30 days of movies meme

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Comments 3

babykid528 August 26 2010, 02:47:49 UTC
You know, I think I'm going to give this meme a crack. I never finished the last one (the writing one lol), which is why I avoided this one, but I do like posting videos. ;-)


karaokegal August 26 2010, 02:49:38 UTC
I'm trying to decide if I should immediately embark on another 30-day one or not.

I'd love to see your answers to this one.


babykid528 August 26 2010, 03:05:08 UTC
The 30 Day ones are kind of exhausting for me. I got bored by the end with the last one. I don't think I could do one after the other myself.

My film repertoire is pretty limited, lol! So we'll see how I do with this. ;-)


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