Decisions, decisions

Oct 25, 2008 21:48

Decisions are never easy to make. Well, unless you're talking flossing, or whether or not to have that extra piña colada before calling it a day. If you're talking that kind of decision, you don't know how difficult it can really get.

Like, when you feel like you've stuck in a rut, professionally and creatively, and no matter how much you love it... It isn't quite what you want to spend the rest of your life doing.

Life-changing decisions, now, they can be a bitch and a half, because you never know what will come of them, good or bad. But one thing, you do know, and that's how important it is to talk it over with the people you love.

Or, in Lorne's case, a very special someone.

After the working day is done, Lorne brings two mugs of cocoa to Otto's room, and taps the door with the tip of his fancy, blinged out loafer.

"Toto, darling, you in there?"

otto, rp

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