
Dec 16, 2005 22:22

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Filtered to Orihime kickassninja December 17 2005, 04:13:08 UTC
You upset about what Rita said...? 'cause, y'know... um... Crap, I suck at this kinda thing...

...could be worse, right? I mean, most people aren't gonna believe her. An' at least Rabi's not findin' out that way, right? >_>;


Re: Filtered to Orihime karaoke_pirates December 17 2005, 04:25:34 UTC
Well.....umm...I guess you're right.

......wait, what do mean, Rabi-kun isn't finding out that way? I never confessed to him.....he just seemed to know.


Filtered to Orihime kickassninja December 17 2005, 04:49:37 UTC
'course I'm right. =P

...uh. >_>;;; I just... figured he knew already? =D?


Re: Filtered to Orihime karaoke_pirates December 17 2005, 04:51:50 UTC
*blinks* How?


Filtered to Orihime kickassninja December 17 2005, 04:58:05 UTC
I dunno? Maybe he just caught on himself?


Re: Filtered to Orihime karaoke_pirates December 17 2005, 04:59:11 UTC
I guess... I must've been really obvious. Stupid stupid stupid.


Re: Filtered to Orihime _chizuru_chan December 17 2005, 05:05:52 UTC
[[OoC: Why does everyone love Rabi? *is too new to the RP to know when everyone seemed to fall in love with Rabi*]]


Re: Filtered to Orihime karaoke_pirates December 17 2005, 05:07:14 UTC
((I have no idea. XDD;;; Orihime's been in love with Rabi since the beginning of the RP....I just thought his icon was adorable, and he was all charming and calling her "little lady," and we didn't have an Ichigo for Orihime to have an unrequited crush on, so I was like, "What the hell? Why not?" And the damn girl has just refused to let go. XD;;;;))


Re: Filtered to Orihime _chizuru_chan December 17 2005, 05:10:10 UTC
[[Hehe, well he makes poor Chizuru's life a living hell; all the cute girls are in love with Rabi! He's like Sasuke to Chizuru's Naruto, and every girl is Sakura.... (Wow, an anime analogy. That's deep.) XDDD]]


Re: Filtered to Orihime karaoke_pirates December 17 2005, 05:11:09 UTC


Re: Filtered to Orihime _chizuru_chan December 17 2005, 05:12:53 UTC
[[Chizuru and Sengoku are about ready to kick him out of their club. "Get out; you're not in the Pervert Anatomical Enthusiasts Club anymore! Come back when you're less popular!" XDDDD]]


Re: Filtered to Orihime karaoke_pirates December 17 2005, 05:14:48 UTC
((*DIES* ♥ ♥ ♥))


Filtered to Orihime kickassninja December 17 2005, 05:12:14 UTC
...is that such a bad thing? I mean, at least you know how you feel.


Re: Filtered to Orihime karaoke_pirates December 17 2005, 05:14:20 UTC
*blinks* Yuffie-chan?


Filtered to Orihime kickassninja December 17 2005, 05:28:12 UTC
...what? >_>


Re: Filtered to Orihime karaoke_pirates December 17 2005, 05:44:20 UTC
What did you mean by that comment?


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