[NOTE: In order to speed up the load time of my LiveJournal homepage, I'm shrinking all older entries so that they won't display that much content until you click on the special image or link to expand each of them. Hope that helps a little!]
As summer came to a close, I finally made it a point to try to return the favor to my friends from
Anime Weekend Atlanta (who showed so much hospitality during their expeditions to California over the past few years), by flying over to ATL for my very first time and participate in their annual showcase (as well as explore the great city it's held in). Unfortunately, my timing couldn't have been much worse...
Sidelined by illness, chronic fatigue and perhaps the worst string of bad luck (which included getting my camera stolen shortly after arrival) I've ever experienced this year, I probably missed about 95% of the convention itself while also abandoning more than two-thirds of the places I was hoping to see (I had set aside 3 extra days). Even more embarrassing for me, however, was that I just managed to provide only minimal assistance to the
AWA crew (I most looked forward to pitching in a whole lot more while getting to know everyone better at the same time) and offer only catatonic responses during the meet-and-greet parties.
Therefore, to all the cool and wonderful people I've met (and didn't get to meet) during
AWA 2008 (while conscious or not), please accept my humblest apologies for:
- Not being rested enough to help out as much as I could and wanted to before, during and after the convention.
- Being so exhausted and hopped up on medication that I couldn't properly introduce myself to all of you at any time.
- Not being awake enough to give you any favorable impression of how I normally am.
- Being so negatively bothered by my health and other personal issues that I couldn't enjoy AWA nor the city of Atlanta as they deserved to be enjoyed.
- Not socializing with as many of you as I would have liked, as well as failing to genuinely join in on the festivities.
- Being an overall lousy mooch.
I would have posted this apology much sooner, except that I actually grew even sicker after the flight home (my unlucky streak continues), but I pledge to everyone that my future goal is to be a much more livelier, cheerful and helpful guest the next time I travel to Atlanta.
My sincere thanks and appreciation goes out to all the
AWA staff for putting up with a loser like me. Special recognition needs to be extended to
SonOfSinAnju and
MurasaKitsune, without whom my first-ever trip to Atlanta would have ended in complete disaster. (I reckon some props also needs to go to
Lord_Darkseid as well, despite the fact that he left me stranded and ailing for over 7 hours straight. S'okay, though, we're still bros!)
Any other photos that I managed to take can be found in my
convention photo album.
Glay - Survival {Japanese language}