I stole this from Tiffany

Mar 02, 2006 10:55

LJ Interests meme results
  1. Bible:
    I'm a follower of Jesus and the Bible is handbook for Christians. I want to read the more of the Bible on a more consistent basis. With school in the way, I haven't been as successful.
  2. Brazilian music:
    My absolute favorite kind of music. In the past 6 or so years, I've acquired more than 50 CDs. It's beautiful, passionate music.
  3. Columbus:
    My current home. I never thought I'd be living here. I've been here over 12 years (in November it'll be 13). I am now in the process of deciding if I will re-sign my lease (I already know I will, but I like to pretend I'm really working things out). If it's God's will, I think I'll move in 2007 to a big city with public transportation and some culture!
  4. erykah badu:
    What can I say about her? I love her music (I have everything she's made). She is inspirational and she sports a natural 'do like me. She has a great voice and I like her style. I'm awaiting patiently for her next album.
  5. Holding hands:
    This is probably what I miss most about dating. Not holding hands in a possessive way, but in a "I'm glad I'm with you" way. Holding hands shows affection with out being disgusting (I am VERY anti-PDA).
  6. Jesus Christ:
    He's the lover of my soul. A source of inspiration. A great model of love. I aspire to be more like him each day.
  7. Living with less:
    A continuing goal of mine. Of course, I'm still a blantant consumerist - especially when it comes to music and crafts. Each year, however, I grow more impatient with the way I'm living my life as far as consumption is concerned and I've seen some changes.
  8. Natural hair:
    I've had a natural 'do for the past five years. Prior to this, I had long, chemically straightened hair. I spent $65 every two weeks to have my hair fried and waited HOURS for the hairdresser to work on my hair. I spent way too much money on products to have unnaturally straight hair. It wasn't worth it. I love the hair that God gave me and will never go back to that.
  9. Public radio:
    I have no TV so public radio is number one in my home. I support my public radio station financially every month and pay more than I would if I had cable. I'm getting more out of it relative to cable and I'm supporting my community. It's a great service and I hope more people take advantage of it!
  10. Simple living:
    I like the idea of simple living. I've collected books and reaserched the mindset behind this phenonomenon. I think some people view it as a religion though. I like a lot of the principles though - many of which are congruent with my Christian faith. I tend to exist in chaos and I love the idea of doing what I need to do in a way that it easy, carefree, and simple.

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