I had this weird dream

Apr 26, 2011 20:07

So, I had this weird dream today, that was like a horror movie. I'm not sure I still remember the details, but I remember the general story:

It's a horror movie type set-up. A bunch of teens or young adults go into some house. Spooky stuff starts happening. At some point they get into this room, that is possibly also like co-existing with another realm. It's like some river of the underworld in there, with a thick soup of spirits and energies. There's an old portrait of some guy above the mantle, that you can somehow clearly see through this ectoplasm.

The various kids are trying to navigate through this stuff. Some of them lose items, and then at some point try to return or 'dive' to retrieve them. It starts to look like there are pockets of darker spirit energy in this soup, so when one of the kids hits a dark spot, they go into some vision or hallucination from every sick horror movie you've seen. Some of them "die" from this, I guess. Though, probably they just go into the soup with the other spirits.

At some point the remaining kids find this one area that is completely free of the dark evil stuff. There's this "salt" or something along this particular area, and so long as this line of salt remains there, this spot is clean and safe. But, it's a really small area, and not all the kids reach it together maybe, or they're not sure where to move from there.

While in this spot, they meet this old guy, who appears to be the guy in the portrait. He's like the "good" being, or "god" maybe. And he points out that while in this safe area, just the other side of the salt is the most concentrated darkness. It's like, if the salt is disrupted any more evil will just pour out. And, it's suggested that the dark soup is there in the house, because whatever barrier existed earlier was disturbed. Now there's just this one bit of the barrier remaining.

So, like stupid horror movie kids, they take handfuls of this salt and start throwing it or blowing it into other parts of the soupy room, in order to pass through unharmed. at some point, of course, they start to run low. One girl sees the license plate of her boat in a nearby part of the soup. (don't ask why she had a license plate for a boat; it's a dream.) So, of course she goes after it. Maybe her name is Opal, or something like that. It's a vanity tag. Anyway, the others are yelling at her to forget the plate or the boat, but she goes, and of course there's a dark spot. The girl is on some Hell-boat climbing all over some jagged metal framework and rigging, and she's in some typical position from every suspenseful movie scene where her fingers are just inches from reaching what she wants. But, just like in those scenes, her greed or her reluctance to let go of the past is her end. She'd gone down a whirlpool of dark soupy stuff.

So, what kids remain, continue on. I think they lose some guy when he tries to retrieve a watch. It becomes apparent, then, that they took enough of the salt that the concentrated evil is escaping.

There are maybe two kids left. A guy, and some girl. So, they make it out of the soup room with the portrait, and get as far as some room like a library or study. Here they see the guy from the portrait, but this time he's the "evil" version or "Devil". So, the one guy and the evil get in a sword fight (I don't know why they have swords; it's a dream.)

So, it's like a climactic battle, and the guy isn't looking so good. He's getting cut-up and like "infected" with dark evil. The girl is hanging out behind him all scared (I know; my dream doesn't have a very positive female role-model.) The evil is getting cut, too, but like all kinds of sick wrong-colored stuff is seeping out of his wounds.

Then, right when you think the kid is a goner, he lurches forward and drops on the evil figure and his mouth touches the evil one's mouth. And, in a kind of kiss, this "good" white-colored misty stuff comes out of the kid. There's this look on the evil being like "What?!"

Then, suddenly, Danny Ocean style flashback to when the kids were at the safe, salt place, and before taking the handfuls of the salt to clear a path, they got the one kid to ingest the "salt".

Now, back to present, evil is vanquished, and the guy doesn't actually seem that wounded. And, surprise, a few (but not all) kids you thought were gone before, are able to escape from their torments.

The End. (I hope.)
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