progress? report

Feb 18, 2007 15:55

I went to Katsucon for the day yesterday. That was good. Didn't do much...mostly hung out in a hotel room reading manga.

the yaoi manga Yellow (not sure of author/artist, maybe published by DMP??)
the movie Wild Zero featuring Guitar Wolf (hilarious involving a plot about zombies and romance without boundries.)

I also, this past week, made some progress in my decsion what to do about my job...but I don't want to give details in the journal yet. (I won't even lock or filter this post.)

I don't have work tomorrow, due to President's Day holiday, so though I didn't get much work on personal projects done yesterday, there's still an aditional day of weekend to work! Yea! Working!

It's snowing here, again. Don't know if it will last or we will get much accumulation. (The spider in the window just caught another ant. I'm still amazed I have co-existed with a spider so long, (because I'm a big arachniphobe who overcomes the phobia with much killing of spiders.) but then, it's a web type not like the big wolf spiders or whatever the other type we always get is; they are big, hairy, love to run around your floors, and especially love to hang out on the floor of the shower so you can find them when naked and unarmed.)

Going to try again today to work on my character sketches.

Oh, also, I've been making little updates and improvements to the website here and there. Just little ones, as I said: The Rangers section has a new color scheme and style, but so far I have only made the change to the index page:; I made some minor changes to the Empty World section:, mostly in color scheme (again; this section has had the colors changed a couple times before), but also in the character's section, and I deleted the 'deleted' section, because I decided I did not want those things publicly available anymore; I also made a small edit to the Seraph's section:, so that the Yoretown section of my site now can be reached through this main section. I checked a lot of the links, and I will be continuing to check them, as I make updates, just to make sure I did not overlook something and create some bad or dead links.

[EDIT February 18, 2007, 22:24] inspired by a comment, and because the code for the pages for chapters of Rangers Like Us was identical (and they were all in same directory so relative paths were the same), except for the actual text of each chapter, I was able with about 5 passes of Dreamweaver's find and replace on that directory, able to add the link to the relevant css, replace the tables with styled divs and add the side navbar to each page. The pages that still need updating in The Empty World section are not so identical in structure and need updating of actual content as well as appearance, so they are not as easily dealt with using find and replace.

recommendation, cons and meet-ups, website, writing in general

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