Feels weird mentioning it..

Mar 30, 2005 06:02

.. but I keep thinking I probably should. Seems like no big thing really.

Next monday's my birthday. I'm going to avoid bringing that up as much as possible the day of, as it is expected that the day of is going to suck lots. Because I verymuch dislike my class that day. I don't.. really.. see much reason to bring it up at all. Because it's not really important. Sure, I'll be twenty and people will still mistake me for sixteen. Or in the case of one ticket-slave at the theater: twelve.

I might also be sick. I think I might be getting a little bit ill now. Probably lack of eating. Maybe. Stomach problems earlier. Was lovely.

Drew out a new character, Zachris, who wanted very much to be a clone of Tysthet. (Actually, I was thinking of using Tysthet, only, they have enough psychics and he would *hate* me for that -- I've already made his life hell, without having him interact with other people's characters.) I should probably plug that game, donno how many of y'all 'readers' would be interested, but hey. I already know a few of you aren't, because I talked to you 'bout it already and got an 'ehhhn I don't even wanna bother reading that.' (Which I am not bitter over, not in the slightest. No. No. Although I'm starting thinking that maybe you just don't want to play with me, because then I start getting paranoid 'cause you still seem to play with non-me people sometimes.. and. Y'know. I really shouldn't be getting into this when I'm tired. I'm going to regret it later, because it might make you angry, and I really shouldn't care about that given that it's my journal, but I do.)

Sigh. I think I'm either going to go play Castlevania and hope that Joachim makes a reappearance.. or try to pick up Shadow Hearts again. Or sleep. I'd try beating Trumpeteer in Nocturne again, but I don't want to bother. Too much HP, and there's a decided lack of save points in that game, so I couldn't just stop whenever I wanted and go to sleep.. I'd have to get through the whoooole Nihilo Obelisk, all 100-or-so-levels before finally hitting a save point. Even if I didn't leave off in the Obelisk. I left off.. in.. Ginza? I think. Heading to yet another subway. Hopefully there will not be any Oni in this one.

Ranting. I think I'm gonna go. Felt the need to update.

Oh! Easter was spent being bored at Grandma's. The cat outside scratched me, I still have marks. Watched Shaun of the Dead with Uncle Mark while Mom, Grandma, and Uncle Paul were visiting the hellspawn Maya and giving her all sorts of gifts that will probably end up in numerous pieces by the end of the week. Anyway. Mark seemed amused by Shaun of the Dead, although he seemed to be getting a little bored by the end of it. Still. Yay for zombie movies on Easter. Mom gave me that and the Dawn of the Dead remake as an 'Easter-gift.' Along with chocolate, because yaknow. Maybe I can watch Dawn of the Dead, instead of playing a game. I wanna see all the extracrap.

Anyway. Going now.

Edit!: Ohyes. Weird dream last night. Involving aliens. That were, apparently, vampires. I wish I'd remembered to write this down earlier. Currently I only remember that I was running around a lot in some mostly abandoned city, taking trains to places. And eventually I had a group of people, and there was this giant shiny thing in the sky that we couldn't break and it was *important*, and they all just went on ahead of me while I tried to figure out the shinything. And this chick came out -- redhair, now that I'm awake I keep mental imaging Bloodrayne when I try to remember what she looked like -- and she *had* been in our group, but I suddenly realized that she was the queen of the alien vampires! And I fled, a lot. She kept catching me and trying to bite me, and I kept breaking free and running. She eventually pinned me and did with the bitey thing, and I freaked out. This keeps up until I start to realize: hey, this isn't doing jack-shit. And then the scene changes and she's chasing me again, but with the intent to just kill me now. I'm trying to fly, because she can't get me when I'm up high, but I can't keep altitude. It's hard to get over obstacles, like fences and houses. I eventually try to get up onto this house, because maybe she can't get there, but I *just* missed the edge, grabbed on and she ran up and grabbed my legs and pulled me back down. For some reason she decided at that point that she wouldn't kill me, she'd make me join her side. And.. then I think the scene changed again and I was back with the group trying to do the alien-hunting thing, and I was partnered up with some guy, and the redheadchick was there partnered up with some other guy and being whinysulky because she wanted to be in my group.

And then I woke up. Anyway. Now I am done.
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