020305 -- From sometime last week

Feb 05, 2005 16:56

So. Recap: Yesterday sucked. A lot. More than a lot. Pretty damn bad day.

Firstly, I left home and got to the busstop only to realize firstly: that it was february, then that I didn't have a february buspass, and after that, that I only had on me a $20 to buy a schoolbook with, another $1, and a bunch of pennies. I used the dollar to get to class, however, also while getting on the bus the driver bitched at me. Because. While I was trying to get my dollar out I dropped a bunch of crap that had been in my backpack and had to pick it up. So yay. *twitch* First class: I recut my stencil once, waited around for an hour doing NOTHING because there were no backboards free that I could use. One girl FINALLY finishes, goes out to wash her screen and I ask if she's done with her board -- as obviously, without a screen she won't be able to use it. What does she say: Hmmm no, no I'm not done with it. So I go back to waiting. Eventually got a board and started trying to print, but I kept forgetting things and kept fucking up. Had to recut the stencil again. Tried to print again. Realized that my ink had dried on the goddamn screen while I was recutting the stencil. At that point I gave up on printing because the screen needed to be washed and THAT would take forever (really, it wouldn't if there weren't always five to ten people in line to wash before me.. ALWAYS. Because when I leave my screen there to sit while I wait for the other people to finish, more people come in and take my spot.) So I waited. Recut the stencil for the third time. Prepped my screen to be washed. As I was frustrated, I ended up ripping off the last stencil (which was dried to the goddamn screen) and ripped off one of my nails in the process. So yay. I fucked up. I fucked up a lot. I always fuck up. Doesn't this make me feel good? At least the instructor told me that she was going to give us more time to work on this project -- otherwise, it would be due next wednesday and I would be nowhere near finished. Next class wasn't so bad. I just got told that my wire-hat was crap, which I knew. Said it didn't look like the hat it was supposed to be, and also: I should have done this and this and that. You know. That would have been LOVELY to know WHILE I was working on the damn thing. I asked her for help before, during the project, because I didn't know what the fuck I was doing. She didn't tell me that then. Hell, she hardly told me anything.

The rest of yesterday was fairly.. bleh. I bought the crap that I needed with the $20, used the change I got back to get home. Mom called RIGHT as I came in the door and said: "Hey! I forgot to get you a buspass!" .. no duh. *twitch* Then about ten seconds after that Cat called. Which was a good point, at least. And then I went to sleep. And slept most of the night. Woke up to eat. Went back to sleep. Stayed out the rest of the night. Woke up today with my mouth tasting really strongly of blood and with something caught in the back of my throat. Apparently sometime last night the center of my tongue had split open and had been bleeding down my throat for some time. There was a scab over it when I got up, but coughing the other coagulated gunk out of my throat broke it open again.

I should probably be getting off the computer now. Supposed to go somewhere..
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