Jan 28, 2005 18:33
Yesterday was, actually, rather. Um. Crappy. I did wake up with my cat trying to sleep on my feet. I also woke up late. My alarm was set for the wrong time, but I wasn't awake enough to actually understand that. I wondered how the hell I had spent half an hour in the bathroom -- I didn't take THAT long. I did not, however, miss my bus to school. I managed to leave at the right time, but I was groggy as hell. Class was. Eh. Okay. The teacher was there. The model was, also, rather pretty. And she had huuuuge boobies. Which were fun to draw (she was probably the youngest model we've had so far, so!). She also had a kickin' dragon tattoo. That I did not manage to get into any of my sketches, sadly. Too intricate, not enough time. After class, Reba, Annie, and I ended up getting food -- we figured we had missed the first bus anyway, and Reba didn't want to go home. We left around 4:40, got out just in time to see the bus pull up. MY bus. So I ran for it but the thing took off before I got there. And. A bottled pepsi that I had shoved into one of my pockets (because they're huge and I can get away with it) decided to explode during the run toward the bus. So I had Pepsi all over my right side and leg. And agh. Reba gave me a bunch of paper towels to shove in my pocket, and I just dealt with the discomfort until the next bus came (5:15). When I got home mom was home and decided to start an argument with me about the clocks. Which she seemed to find amusing and i found annoying. I pointed out that she should just drop it, because I was NEVER going to believe her take on it, and she just wouldn't shut up.
I. Ah. Can' tremember much after that. I had nightmares last night. But I can't remember what about. Just that I woke up terrified at least twice during the middle of the night, towards the beginning of trying to sleep.
Today. Was. Eh. I was, again, half asleep during most of the class. I hate having to take notes. Particularly when we're taking notes from a power point, and the instructor is talking about something ENTIRELY different (or well, not unrelated, but not what's on the notes) and I keep getting the two mixed up. She was talking about how the Maya believed themselves to be Sons of the Corn (She said Children of the Corn once on accident and people snickered), and there was a C-word in the notes that was.. I don't remember. Co-something. Long word. Not considerate. Maybe consideration? I can't remember. Anyway. Since she was talking about corn, I ended up writing the word in as corn, and then realizing that was wrong. I almost started laughing. Yeah, I was tired. We also watched a movie on the weird things that people eat. Like bugs. And snake. And eel. And brains. And it made me REALLY hungry.
After that, missed my normal bus, took a different bus home because it was pouring and I was freezing cold. My hands went numb, and then started to get that too-cold-pain, and it was rather fun. >< Got home, screwed around online for a while, somehow ended up on the couch (I really cannot remember how) and started dozing off. Ended up falling asleep for around 4 or 5 hours. Had a weird dream. That I don't really remember, just that towards the end it involved donuts. I woke up craving donuts. ><
This leads to now (although I did watch the X-Files between waking up and writing this -- I'd still be watching Sci-Fi right now, but they have Stargate SG-1 on and.. I cannot stand that show.)