Title: Good Vibrations
Fandom: The Vampire Diaries
Characters: Damon Salvatore and Elena Gilbert
Rating: PG-13 (just in case, nothing troublesome to really speak of)
Category: general, humour, little bit of UST
Summary: Damon's feeling nostalgic...
Spoilers: If you're in the middle of season 3, you'll be good
Warnings: none
Show/Bookverse: Show-verse
Good Vibrations
The upbeat melody of a Beach Boys' song assaulted Elena's ears the moment she got out of her car. Someone had all the windows open, and was blasting it at full volume in the Boarding House.
She didn't bother knocking, no one would hear, and the door was always open to her anyway. She did, however, find herself coming to a complete stop when she entered the parlour to find a half dressed Damon, scotch in hand, dancing around and jumping from chair to chair, singing "Good, good, GOOOOOOOD, good vibrations," at the top of his lungs.
"Feeling nostalgic?" Elena asked, fighting a smile while putting her handbag on a side table.
"Yup." Damon danced over to her and jumped down onto the floor. He put his scotch next to her handbag, pulled her into his arms and started twirling her around the room. "I had fun in the 60's. People knew how to how to relax and have a good time. There was less of this 'Woe is me, the world's coming to an end, blah blah blah crap'."
Elena laughed as Damon spun her out and then back in close again, his chest to her back, almost enfolding her in his embrace. "What about the Cold War, and Vietnam?" she asked, a twinkle in her eye despite the seriousness of those situations.
"Well ok, so there was that. But at least you could trust your neighbour wouldn't be a mass murderer or a rapist... most of the time." Damon lowered her into a dip, pausing, so that Elena would have to hold onto him a little longer.
"Didn't hurt that people got so high they didn't notice you taking a couple of pints, either," Stefan interrupted, coming into the parlour with his own glass of blood, and a magazine. He flopped down in a chair and flipped open his magazine, pretending his attention was elsewhere. But he didn't let them ignore him that easily. "Woodstock was like a buffet to you, wasn't it?"
Damon frowned, both at his brother's taunt, and the interruption to his private Elena-time. He slowly brought her back up to a standing position, giving himself time to salvage the situation. He didn't need Elena being reminded of his less than Boy Scout past. Especially if he wanted more private Elena-time in future.
That thought brought a wide grin to his face, and enough inspiration to at least get the last word in on his brother. In fact, he didn't even need to look at him as he said it. He just stared into Elena's eyes and said, "True, but I've found tastier things to feast on since then."