I normally try to keep international politics off my lj, for the simple reason that I believe in the sovereign rights of a country and it's citizens. I would be appalled if the United States tried to interfere with a New Zealand election (although I've no idea why they'd want to), and so I try to extend the same courtesy to my friends who are US
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And honey, you want to hear me talk politics? Come round to our house on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon! The boyf and I have the Daily Show on, The Colbert Report on, Keith Olbermann, Obama speaches! McCain speaches! You name it, that's what we do on the weekends! And then we rip them to shit!
The only reason that I don't talk US politics more is cos I don't want to offend any of my friends, and my Granddad always used to say "never discuss religion and politics among friends" cos it can (and has for me) cause so many rifts and arguements.
With so much of politics you need to choose the lesser of two evils. I'm not calling Obama evil - I think he's a good guy, but like you, I doubt how much of the political establishment he can change. I do however think he'll get the US back on an economic growth track and reverse a lot of the damage done by the Bush/Cheney government, and hopefully this will filter down to us in NZ. I also think he'll be able to halt the foothold that the Religious Right has gained in US government. He seems much more about common sense than imposing a common faith.
So, if I can infer from you "radically politicized" comment, you'd like for a wider range of political parties? More independants having an actual chance at the White House?
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