Series: Perks Of The Job
Fandom: Angel
Character: Marcus Hamilton
Prompt: 094 Leather
Word Count: 199
Rating: PG
A/N I: Dedicated to my oldest and bestest friend
xynoehp , who gave me the prompt of Leather. Probably not exactly what you were picturing, but I thought I'd try and be funny, rather than try and be sexy, as funny is something I might actually be able to achieve!
A/N II: Thanks go out to my wonderful beta
angel932 who always gives me excellent advice and stops me from writing myself into a corner!
A/N III: This ficlet is only loosely related to Aphrodite in that this Perks Of The Job series is all about things that Marcus likes about his job (funnily enough). It is not intended to be read in any specific order, nor is it necessary to.
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Marcus leaned back in his leather recliner, stretching his long body briefly before letting it melt into the soft, black leather.
Today had been a good day. Earth’s apocalypse had finally taken place and the Senior Partners had reigned supreme. The planet’s population were either enslaved or dead, and now Marcus could finally relax.
He picked up a bucket of popcorn and rooted around for the remote, which had slid off the armrest to fall between the cushions.
It had been apparent from the outset that Angel would not be undertaking his pivotal role on behalf of Wolfram and Hart. He had instead marched on the side of the Powers That Be.
And his role had been pivotal, Marcus thought smugly. He finally pulled the remote out and pressed play. Footage of the recent battle streamed across the TV screen, immediately pulling him back into the now.
He watched as he took Angel’s head off with one clean swing, and laughed as the leaderless forces quickly succumbed to the demon hordes.
It made faking his own death at the vampire’s hands less embarrassing.
Marcus let his head fall back against the smooth leather. He should really watch that again.