DVD Commentary (Ho ho ho) and other bits and bobbles

Jan 03, 2009 10:10

Okay, right, so I wake up this morning after popping a couple of tabs of paracetamol last night, and mostly I just feel like I've been rolled over by a violently angry trucker. Repeatedly. I have to get on a plane in roughly one and a half days, so that's not looking too shiny. *rolls*

That said, might as well make someone else's day! :D paceus asked for a DVD commentary for Ho ho ho (Discworld). Here it is:

Ho ho ho was the last stocking stuffer that got written for Yuletide this year; I think it got written at around 5 in the morning, if my email doesn't lie to me. *g* I'd watched the Hogfather a few days before, so the entire thought of "ho ho ho" being a really creepy sound was already in the pipeline.

The Patrician, Academy rumour has it, is egalitarian in the way of all political tyrants I kept thinking of Stephen Colbert: "I don't see race!": he sees neither species nor religion nor any case for sympathy, and this apparently extends to anthromorphic representations of all sorts - Death, the Tooth Fairy, Samuel Vimes (representing, in his case, bloody-mindedness), et al. I think Death and Vetinari would make the most awesome buddies.

The line that most people like in this fic? IS REALLY NOT MY LINE. *g* I owe that to my lovely beta nextian - originally "bloody-mindedness" was written down as "poverty", but she suggested the former and the drabble is a thosuand times better for it. ♥

Assassins, naturally inclined to snobbery by birthright and profession one of the things I love most about the Discworld novels is the way they hint at Academy life - the way Vetinari was one, and then the flipside with the "scholarship boys" who were poor enough to get looked down on. And who were poor enough to have some brains..., find it difficult to accept that everyone, regardless of the number of sheets of paper needed to document one's family tree, is obligated to make appointments with Vetinari should they ever wish to visit. Humility is a hard thing for an assassin to learn, but valuable; being tricky to teach, the instructors and tutors tend to keep it for last. I mean, how do you tell a kid that his Great and Riche Famyly is really of no use to him when dangling over a pit of vipers or, in the case of the Patrician, a pit full of imprisoned mimes driven to cannabalism from sheer starvation? Students keen on graduating take, optionally, a module on Hogswatch Eve conducted yearly at the Palace and equivalent to a not insubstantial amount of course credits. It tests stealth, adaptability, courage and a nobly inbred sense of blind stupidity just think of any noble family in the series. Any one! Except maybe the Ramkins. *g*: given that one must be attired in red and white and outfitted with a sack, few assassins choose to attempt to deliver presents to Havelock Vetinari, and the few who do --

Ho ho ho.

\o/ I am a pretty pathetic commentary writer for drabbles. *g* If anyone else wants one - for any fic, really - feel free to poke at!

Alternatively, if you feel like making a sick girl's day: the fanficcers love meme, continued

[edit] While I'm in the meta mood, might as well do the 2008-fic-roundup thing that everyone else and their mother has probably done. 8D

First year back in fandom! I've never been a big fandom writer, or a big fandom participant - kept my head under the waters, mostly, and lurked like a lurking thing. Yuletide 2007 was my first foray out into the world, and it spat me out into 2008 feeling pretty good about life, the universe and everything. *g*

Total wordcount for the year of 2008, give or take a few thousands, is about 147,000 - more than I've written independently for ages. \o/ Huzzah!

Fandomwise, it's not hard to say "I branched out a little bit", since all I ever wrote in the first place was American Gods and Final Fantasy VII. *g* The latest and greatest acquisitions being: Batman/Beyond, Baccano! and punditfic. A smaller, but equally meaningful (to me, at least), acquisition: The Left Hand of Darkness.

Batman - with it came pere_chan, scheharezhad and a whole bunch of other amazing, amazing flisters, some of whom have become really good friends. I love you people, and the sheer talent and scope of fic and art in this fandom. S'amazing. And sorta scary. 8D

Baccano! - written mostly for the IJ comm, since there's not much of a community back here on LJ, but the series itself was just so much fun to watch, rewatch and then watch again. \o

Punditfic - for this I blame rahmbamarama entirely. I wrote more in a month for that community than I wrote for three months on my own. *g* I think I will be, uh, "gracefully backing away" from this fandom once I finish up Epic and my Third Monday fic, though - feeling a little burned out, and there are so many epic people out there who are amazing at both writing, cheerleading, and hell-bringing: my wonderful pimp charlie_d_blue, and evercourant and bookshop and sciophobik and regicidaldwarf!

The Left Hand of Darkness - I remember writing a tinydrabble for this way back, but I didn't dare to branch out. Le Guin write's too well for me, and even though I desired fic with a burning... desire, it wasn't until Yuletide that I kicked myself hard enough to write it. mjules and kangeiko were around to cheerlead, and god do I love them for it. It's scary to go into something and feel like you're all alone. \o/

Personal favourites - they actually haven't changed much! Empery still sits at the top of the pile, because Tseng is a bad-ass MF that way, though I'm beginning to see ways in which he can be written better. *g*

The Left Hand pieces come in a close second: Shadows cast behind us being a lot more compact and well-written (I think!) than Other Kinds of Men, but lacking the forwardness and length that the second fic has to its advantage. I love them both, though. *g*

The year wouldn't have been the same without nasdack. logistika_nyx more or less just kidnapped my brain and took it on vacation with her - this crossover ended up a lot longer, a lot more fun, and a lot more insane than the original premise of "omg Rufus and Balthier, they play stocks!". *g* And it's still being written!

(this goes out from under the cut, because people need the love:)

Things I love - again and again and again I have struck gold with the people I've met. It's insane - everyone seems to talk about fandom wank and such, but I've never encountered anything other than squee and constructive crit.

pere_chan: my most amazing Pere! I do not know if you are home to read this right now, but thank you so damned much. You went from being one of the first people that I felt comfortable squeeing with on AIM to being one of my closest friends outright. ♥ Your Batman art blows my mind away - your art in general blows my mind away - but not more than your generosity of spirit and optimisim.

dnatio_memoriae: I am so glad you came out of the woodwork! Thank you so much for the last couple of months; it has been one hell of a ride. *g* You're always around with something to say about Turkfic, for which I am ETERNALLY GRATEFUL IN ALLCAPS, and I love love love the concrit you gave for Restorations. I love you art so much that I have this entire folder with nothing but your pieces. I look at it and it brings a warm glow to my stomach. TOGETHER WE WILL MUSH LUCIFER AND FINAL FANTASY VII AND BLIND THE WORLD. *g* *rolls*

logistika_nyx: you are the master, and I, merely the little slavegirl thing. *g* You have constantly been around to flail at and with, and to have endless comment threads when one/both of us are bored at school/work, and god knows you've made me a better, more thinky writer than I would've been otherwise. I hope you and the Boy are home and settled into House! :D I am blessed to have got to know you. And, you know, write copious amounts of (mind)porn with you.

kabuki_chan: I hope that you are alive! And that the world has not eaten you! ♥ Thank you so much for the co-squee and the amazing art over the past year. You are the bestest!

_ice_lady_: LET YOUR THESIS NOT EAT YOU, PLEASE. ♥ Thank you for being around and always having time to comment spam and grin and glee. ♥

maho_kiwi: kiwi! I am so glad to have got to know you and Laylah - the both of you are such landmarks of fandomy goodness, and the both of you work so hard that I feel kind of star-fishy and useless in comparison. You guys have been amazing generous with your time and yourselves, so ♥ ♥ ♥!

My nose is starting to clog up and object to a lack of medicine, and I'm running out of the braincells needed to do a proper thank-you list, but nonetheless:

white_jenna, puella_nerdii, aikonamika, guingel, mithrigil, shadowwaker -- and everyone else that my brain's not remembering: thank you so much for the past year. ♥

To all the new flisters, especially the Yuletides mjules, numinicious, elishabet, liviapenn, dhaunea, kangeiko, deepad, autumn_belias, okay here I really *am* running out of braincells - I love you guys for #yulechat, and I lookforward to mm.org, and the next yuletide, and all the OTHER CRAZY. Oh, and five million NYRs. ♥

happiness is not a fish, sick with the sickness, i love my friends more than you, i am a dvd extra, snafu, hi flist, brains brains brains brains, discworld, meta, i bore too easily, mememetoo, sleepiness is godliness

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