Life and its small stabbities!

Nov 21, 2008 21:37

Oh, look, a real-life update! Warning for the strange phenomenon known as life!

1. One examination left to go before the rest of my life finally begins. It's been 12 years coming; let me at it, baby.

2. Finally finished up confirming and settling all my travel plans. I may love the work, but I'll never miss the workload. On the bright side, I see a potential future for myself as a bizarre tour guide if I ever, say, flunk out before I even get to university.

3. Re: work. Economy's gone to shit, so the chances of getting a proper job are slicing close to thin. Nevertheless, non-profit work seems forthcoming. Managed to sneak a hook-in to help out with mass-media and publicity; looking forward to doing that before heading off. Hopefully will get either a teaching or administrative job when I come home. Maybe I can whore myself off for free to either the newspapers and/or lawyers, if push comes to shove-off-a-cliff.

4. Re: social work. Finally want to get some of this done. Parents will probably not want my money even if I want to repay them for tripism; proposal time. If they let me, I want to feed whatever I make equivalent to what I'm going to be spending on starting up a public speaking fund at the alma (alma) mater; it's about time those kids got more than missed lunches and stressed out teachers to guide them along.

5. Current reading list: the Bible comes back on the to-read list effective post-examinations; that's going to develop into an LJ-type thing all on its own as I try to Figure This Shit Out. Additionally: A History of Ideas is tonnes and tonnes of fun. Makes me want to read Latin on top of trying out for Japanese. WHY IS THERE SO LITTLE TIME IN ONE LIFETIME.

6. Mundanities: please, please, please do not rain any more than you have to, sky. Please?

For the new people on the flistie: you are under orders advisement to go to this post to claim either Christmas/non-denominational cards, random presents and/or to post your wishlist so I can ensure that your life is not a shithole of commercial fail during December! Or even earlier, for foreign types!

Also: Kinkfest, I am so sorry that my ass got kicked by you. Do you feel sorry too?

Alsoalso: logistika_nyx, I swear I will get my ass back on nasdack really soon. Soon. Hopefully. Yes, soon.

Son of also: pere_chan, I will lambast you with email, love, flailings over pretty pretty art and read your fics EVEN SOONER. Ignore my grammar, I'm kind of high on hating random family members and want to just flail love your way.

Daughter of also: livelongnmarry, I have so many ONE MONTH OVERDUE OBLIGATIONS for you that it isn't funny.

Adopted child of also: yuletide, you can start kicking my ass anytime as well.

Bastard sibling of also: ... I think I'm done.

i wish money grew on trees, latin, hi flist, life oh what art thou

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