Before I go off to get my ass handed to me again, I shall post. Oh, politics, I'm sorry for beating you up so much. I promise that I'll stop soon. Very soon. Probably
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I'm disappointed about Prop 8 and about an initiative here in Arkansas that passed (57% to 43%) to ban unmarried (read: same sex) couples from adopting or being foster parents.
Because, you know, it's totally better to make kids live in state care facilities instead of expanding the potential number of loving homes that could take them in. :/ I really hate my state sometimes.
Okay, and also, the tuna comment? Makes me think of Goro from Dark Cloud. (He uses axes and maces and the like, and for serious, one of his weapons is an enormous Frozen Tuna.)
::hijacks:: Hey I played that! I remember puzzling over what a frozen tuna could be for (eating? health? something?), but of course, it proved to be a weapon.
Still, frozen tuna to the face is probably more efficient than a mop-whacking...probably...
I love that game. I used to play it for hours on end, although I've gotten where I don't really game very much anymore. I left off somewhere in the middle of the last castle, working my way down to the Black Knight. I'll beat him someday...
I concur. Mop vs Tuna? No contest. Welll, unless it's the school janitor's mop, cleaner of a thousand pools of vomit. I'm pretty sure that's lethal--all critical hits if you take a blow from it. :D
D: That's sad. I'm pretty sure (though I cannot remember for certain, even though for a while a few years back I combed through the particular bill of rights with a fine, fine toothed comb) that in Singapore we flat out don't allow single-parent fostering, but that sucks epic-ly. D:
*snuggles* Well, with hope, you and many other Arkansas-ians (ARKANSII?) will get up and one day change that bill, and give homes to deserving young children. ♥
I had hoped that my fellow Arkansans had more common sense, but expected this result all the same. It's still a rather backwards state in a lot of ways. :( At least all my friends and family that I've talked to voted against it.
Because, you know, it's totally better to make kids live in state care facilities instead of expanding the potential number of loving homes that could take them in. :/ I really hate my state sometimes.
Still, frozen tuna to the face is probably more efficient than a mop-whacking...probably...
I concur. Mop vs Tuna? No contest. Welll, unless it's the school janitor's mop, cleaner of a thousand pools of vomit. I'm pretty sure that's lethal--all critical hits if you take a blow from it. :D
*snuggles* Well, with hope, you and many other Arkansas-ians (ARKANSII?) will get up and one day change that bill, and give homes to deserving young children. ♥
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