snowflake challenge - idek anymore

Jan 13, 2016 21:03

Played squash today for the first time in a... half decade? And it felt glorious.

So behind on
snowflake_challenge, but here's a shot:

Day 11: In your own space, make a list of at least 3 things that you like about yourself.

  • I seem to write all right?
  • I'm pretty quick on the uptake?
  • I, er, try not to be an ass to others?

Day 12: What makes you fannish? And by that we mean, what is it about a tv show/movie/book/band/podcast/etc that takes you from, "Yeah, I like that," to "I need MOAR!!!" Is it a character? A plotline? The pretty? Subtext that’s just screaming to be acknowledged?

In your own space, tell us what it is that gets you to cross that line into fandom.

Hm. The more I think about this, the more I think it's seeing other people be fannish? I've had a lot of interest in things beaten out of me, whether by school or brain problems or life or exhaustion. But reading great things by inspired people, or hanging around a group of excited folk - that helps me get into things.

On a more tropeish level: incomplete things make me fannish. It's supremely hard for me to get into fan stuff for canons I feel are pretty complete on their own - The Culture, for example, or a lot of Le Guin's stuff, even though I've tried hard to write for them. But things with a lot of potential that are badly executed or abbreviated ping me: Prince of Tennis (the former) and Hikaru no Go (the latter) are examples. Strong concepts, strong relationships - it's why I like reading Homestuck even if I can't be arsed with its canon.

I've struggled to get into fandom these last few years, so this is a particularly hard question. I'm still waiting for a fire to get lit beneath me - I honestly do think a few too many years scraping the bottom of the depression barrel has to do with this. But there's nothing a good fic won't solve... *g*

racqueteering, so tired, challenge: fandom snowflake

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