fandom snowflake - day 10 (resources, recs)

Jan 10, 2016 23:00

Day 10: In your own space, post a rec for fannish and/or creative resources and spaces. Tell us where you go to dig up canon facts for your fandom, or where you get all the juicy details about your favorite ship. Where do you like to hang out and squee like a squeeing thing?


I'm a writer, and by and large my biggest resource is... other fic in that canon. I rarely do research outside of canon except in technical spaces, and that's all Google. That said...

Hikaru no Go: I read the Ki-in's Japanese website, and (am very belatedly) collating some of the more interesting (admittedly Iyama Yuuta related) stuff on this Tumblr tag.

Vorkosigan Saga: the wiki, with caveats that I only trust it as far as I have time to throw on the books.

Speaking of Tumblr - it is satan's asshole for many things, but it is extremely useful for gathering random facts/pieces of inspiration. I tag that stuff as useful.

I adore writing for prompts or challenges, and while I haven't written for a comm in a long, long while, I always try to do Yuletide. I also check out
kink_bingo and related comms for inspiration when I need it. TV Tropes is a natural secondary source. *g*

Back when I was really active on DW/LJ? I had some great people in my circles who would write amazing fandom manifestos. darkeyedwolf is one that springs to mind at once.


I love echoing fanon, so this is entirely a recs list for some of my favourite fandom writers:

elvaron: FFVII, Vorkosigan Saga

roachpatrol: Homestuck

thehoyden: Hikaru no Go, hockey RPF

lightgetsin: FMA, every single damn thing they write

ship-manifesto is another great place. Like for this Tezuka/Fuji piece of great hilarity.


I haven't for ages, so if anyone has chatty DW comms? Please tell me! Yulechat is really all that I hang out on, and only at EOY. The entirety of The Culture fandom seems to live there, so.

vorkosigan saga, final fantasy vii, recs, hikaru no go, missin' the old days, challenge: fandom snowflake

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