Aug 23, 2010 22:17
Now that work has ended, life is getting pretty peachy -- I've written one thing, drafted a whole bunch of others, am pretty sure that I'll be meeting my fic/draft-a-day personal helldeadline and the sun has come out for the first time in weeks to roast my holidaying skin!
At the back of my head is the silent, screaming terror that says I'm going back to school in less than a fortnight. I'm ignoring it in favour of my spiffy new room and state of new-found doing-things-dom. 8D 8D
Happily, I've managed to read more than one book this break, which puts the list at:
Jean RhysWide Sargasso Sea
Gustav FlaubertMadame Bovary
Kawabata YusunariPalm of the Hand Stories
Milan KunderaThe Unbearable Lightness of Being
Philip PullmanThe Good Man Jesus and the Scoundrel Christ
William GoldingLord of the Flies
Which is really not bad, all things considered! I feel like I've under-read (things still on the list: Steinbeck's East of Eden (wailvoice); Murakami's The Wind-up Bird Chronicle (MEGAWAIL); all of my philosophy reading?!), but at the same time it's the most fiction-for-leisure I've read in a long number of years. ♥ ♥ *burbles hearts*
Wide Sargasso Sea I'd always been meaning to read; one of those things where the title was attractive in and of itself. Didn't know how out of the loop I'd be for not having read Jane Eyre, but uh, shame on me! The opening line = /o/ \o\.
Philip Pullman was interesting for how much it echoes, reverses, builds up on existing translations of the Bible. Proof that some lines just stick?
Golding was the hardest to read of the lot. Not because it's The Lord of the Flies, but because his lyricism would throw me off like a suddenly spooked horse.
In other news, getting more design-y by the day; looking forward to some coding and drafting in the near 72 hours!
p.s: apologies for the overkill. 8D
happiness is not a fish,
read like blood,
work is a degenerative disease,
deadlines make whooshy noises,
so much stuff,
life oh what art thou