asfjlasjflk self-study???

Aug 05, 2009 15:46

Self-studying a language that you like is a bit like self-induced torture. My hands are kind of shaking from my 3rd cup of tea and it's only 346 in the afternoon. FOUR HOURS of Japanese later and the only thing I have accomplished is a remarkable inability to type/think in English and a crushing knowledge of how little I am able to fit into my tiny skull at one go. WHY. WHY. WHY MUST GRAMMAR BE SO MESSED UP IN ANY LANGUAGE.

Soooo, if I'm a bit missing from the Interwebs in the future/lately/in the past, this is why. GOOD LORD, I can't even seem to type an English phrase without my fingers going to the "f" button on my keyboard when I want to type a "ph" sound.

wa-ka-ra-na-i, why do i do this to myself

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