Dear Santa, help me write 13/6!

Jul 11, 2009 02:02

Dear Santa,

Will you make Gundam Wing a Yuletide fandom so that I can ask for long, plotty 13/6? Please?

Love, K

Because voksen is an enabler and I am a masochist and long-dead fandoms (especially niche parts of long-dead fandoms!) are always an awesome thing to, y'know, try to poke awake with a stick, I hereby request humbly that any Gundam Wing fans stab the comments with AU scenarios.

I need about 10 - that's a happy number! - for an Insane 13-6 MarathonTM. 8D Suggestions: teacher!AU; pirates; diplomats; mud-wrestlers! \o THIS FANDOM REQUIRES OLD-SCHOOL CHEESINESS.

Also, how many of you guys are in Gundam Wing fandom? *jumps up and down* I am so new to it that I have no idea! 8D 8D

zechs for smex, prompts, gundam wing, hi flist, mememetoo

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