Loads and loads of reveals and recs

Jan 06, 2008 20:46

Because January is here, and since I am a slow, slow human being, I present to you yuletide fic recs.


Self-pimping: I wrote, for zhiverny6 two American Gods fics: In Symbols and Two Man Con. Two Man Con is a follow up to In Symbols, but can be read more or less as a standalone. Both are backstories to the novel. I wrote Reunification for Jedi Buttercup, a little Silmarillion fic with Elrond and the usual suspects.

Author pimping ♥ : My most excellent author, Aevir, wrote me a beautiful Glorfindel and Ecthelion piece entitled Not marble, nor the gilded monuments that goes through Ages and change with delicacy and amazing finesse.


A hilarious Japanese drama remake of a more serious manga based on the life of otakus in Tokyo's Akihabara electronics/gaming/geek district, it focuses on the trials and tribulations of a few friends with very strange personal habits who come together to defend their way of life. A nice, relatively light and quirky watch!

Touch, written by Jain.

I was not expecting @DEEP to appear in the archives at all, but turns out that refreshing the NYR page gives some pretty amazing things. ♥ Box and Page get through some... personal issues in a way that can only be deemed as entirely @DEEP-like. Cameo appearance by Akira, who is kick-ass in every sense of the word.

American Gods

By far one of my favourite non-classic fantasy books, American Gods is a mind-shattering read all on its own - if you've never picked it up before, you should. It's 700 pages but reads like a 100, and is chock full of the most amazing mythological parallels and rewrites set in a very real, very rich 20/21st century America. The country doesn't quite matter: if you're from any place or city where migrants come and go, and it's almost every city nowadays, really, this book is worth the time. By happy chance, it also has a lot of really good fic written for it this year, by loads of writers far better than myself.

One Phone Call, written by Laylah.

Amazingness of this author aside, this small ficlet is, on its own, one of the best Low Key and Wednesday characterisation pieces I've read. It's small, to the point and every word is delicious. Set up just before the novel, but needs the rest of it to make full impact.

The Journey West, by Oyce.

Anyone familiar with the Chinese/Japanese character of Monkey/Goku will be sucked into this. Anyone not familiar with it will be pulled in anyway. The writing is a kind of amazing, evocative, word-rich writing that makes a short piece feel like a small legend all on its own.


It's Terry Pratchett. Do I really have to... say... anything.. about... that?

Thrill-Seeking, by Cadence.

It's Vetinari/Moist, it's smut, and it's more than just believable, it's pretty damned hot, too. Moist is exactly as he should be - pushing, pushing, and pushing a little bit more. Vetinari is - - - perfect beyond words. Vidi... vici... Vetinari.

In other news, je_holiday just had its reveal, so I throw a very big THANK YOU to my author, thblackflame, and make a pimpnote for the Kinki Kids fic she wrote, So Perfect, This Moment. My own fic was written for sollasollew11, and is a V6-centric Okada-rian thing called Growing Up Okada. Banzai!

recs, yuletide, je, yuletide: nyr, akihabara@deep, kinki kids, v6, discworld, fic, american gods

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