Jan 01, 2008 20:04
A restart for the school year means a new bunch of things to do - deadlines and work means more fic! Already have a bunch of JE that I need to write, but the urge to do so has sort of stammered and sputtered. Damn you, Yuletide and your sheer rare fandom... ness.
Fandoms to write for:
American Gods
- Expansion fic! [HAHAHAH FINISHED OMG ♥]
Ghost in the Shell
- Kusanagi/random
- Vetinari & Drumknott (Oh hell, I cometh into ye warm, toasty arms.)
Left Hand of Darkness
- That fic that no one will read but that you've wanted to write since forever, yes?
Final Fantasy VII
- Port over the stuff from the other account? Or just write new stuff in general.
- Some of that Lex stuff would be nice, brain. Just so y'know.
Things to Get:
- Paid account. Need those damn iconseses and layoutseses.
- Addon domain names for the domain; kick the freeloader off
- CSS books. LEARN CHILD LEARN. *whips*
life oh what art thou