Jul 13, 2007 11:41

So viewers the journey starts off in the regular way bags packed we head to Canberra airport and take off to Melbourne and the fun begins. We were about 30min late taking off from Melbourne and 10hrs latter we land in HongKong wonder around the terminal while they clean our plane and do a lil bit of shopping ($50euro = $500hk) and we end up being a hour late leaving there but we take off and I get to enjoy the views of the crappy overcrowded countries of asia after awhile we are flying over the mountains which is a pretty kewl sight, even saw Mt Everest in the distance which all you see is a bunch of snow covered mouintains and this one shit tall one in the middle of it all then the mountains suddenly end and there is nothing but a sandy desert its the weirdest contrast from white toped mountains to just yellow sand. The air hostess then starts having a go at me telling me to close the window so other people can sleep and I'm like WTF I'm not stopping people by having this window open, serriously if they want to sleep they can and if they are complaining about the light you tell them that is why they give you thoes crappy eye covering thingys for. but anyway we land at Heathrow airport and the poilet is like we are going to have to wait for a lil bit for a terminal to free up then he tellls us that the police are going to board our plane and do a search, everyone is like WTF and I'm like I didn't do it. So after sitting on the tarmach for 45min we eventualy pull up at the terminal and 4 policemen board the plane and drag 2 suspected terrorist off. Well at this point i'm 2hrs late for my conecting flight to paris so we get put on the next avalible flight we ask if our luggage is going to be on the plane aswell and we get told yes it will be there, so we board the plane and we get ready to fly. The Captin gets on the mic and tells us there will be a 10min wait till we can take off, a couple of minuites latter he gets back on and informs us that he has noticed a electrical fault =D and that he has to get a technition onboard to have a look at it and that it should only take 10min.......10min latter its going to be another 10min.......another 10min......30min.......1hr.........1hr at this point I havent had a smoke for about 20hrs and I'm getting rly pissie and Anne-Maire has the shits and yeah not FUN so after the 3hrs sitting on a plane going nowhere they put us on the last flight to paris we ask again if our lauggage is going to be comming with us and we get told yes. So we hop on the new plane and fly to paris without event but when we get there we go to collect our luggage we wait and we wait then I turn around and notice the only other people that are still waiting for there luggage are the other Australians who got caught up in the same mess we did so we give the BA reps the address of the hotel we are staying at so our luggage can be delived to us when it arrives and we catch a cab to our hotel. Now the time is midnight we were saposed to be in paris at 5pm. We arrive at the hiotel and go to check in but wait they have givin our room away >.< and aprently the only other room avalible is on a credit card garenty so they cant give that away. I try to explaine that we have already paid for our room and that it was midnight and the credit card guy wasnt likely to show this late, but no we dont get a room in this hotel instead we get put in the hotel next door wich is a rly shitty palce like wow I could of sleeped in the gutter and it would of been nicer. But anyway we meet up with the tour in the morning and the rest is for another time

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