cruel joke...right.....?

Jul 04, 2006 19:00

ok so im always sick right EVERYONE knows that!!
so when i applied to eckerd college, part of the reason why i picked it was bc due to my health issues i was goin to be given special treatment for housing......
i've sent neuro report after neuro report to that school basically for one thing.....i need a single....i dont care if i neeed to hike 5 miles to a bathroom when i get a 24hr to 36 hr migriane i NEED complete darkness and quiet......honestly, i know that i'll be the roommate from hell if every other wk i get a nasty head ache and bitch our my roomie for turning on a light.....
well i got my housing stuff on monday......
i have a room mate
i have a 16 hr old room mate
i have a mexican room mate
your joking right?
im appealing this.....
housing made a BIG mistake........
you give the head ache girl a mexican.....
i know this girl though the schools site so she is loud, annoying and loud......
i told her about my mirgrines and she responded with "o i get those too, i just drown it out with loud rock music....."
hahahaha this is a joke.....
o and bc she is 16.......nerd to a whole nother level that im not ready for........
on wednseday im calling the school
also i though it was odd that they roomed two latin girls together........the school is 99.93% white..........i smell racism!!!!!!!! ( no i dont im just cranky)
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