Please fill out my form!

Sep 24, 2011 15:30

I am embarking upon a new project. The first stage of this project is located here. If you are interested in sharing your methods for home management, if you would like to learn how to personalize the systems you may have tried in the past so that they work this time around, or if you have no idea how to start or where to learn how to handle home management, please go and fill out this form for me.

The intent is to produce an instruction book (or blog, or both) that will help readers figure out how to manage their homes in a way that works for them. Rather than simply putting out yet another blog or book that explains a personal system, I thought more people would benefit from learning how to take what's out there and make it work for them, instead of continuing to struggle with forcing themselves to follow systems that weren't designed with them in mind.

I need as much data as possible, so please share the link with anyone you think might be interested in or benefit from this project!

writing, links:web sites, organization:house

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