So you want to read my dreams...

May 22, 2031 19:41

This journal is friends-only, for the most part. I've got a few public posts - mostly song lyrics, essays I've cross-posted from elsewhere, and memes - but by and large the personal stuff is not for general consumption.

If you're curious about who I am, please check out my User Info. It's there for a reason. It gives you the basics of who I am and what I'm about, what I'm interested in, and what I'm likely to write about here.

If you've read that and are still interested in friending me, I have a couple of rules that it would be nice if you would abide by while you're in my space. This is, after all, my journal - my private space - and as such, it needs to remain a safe place for me to write about whatever's on my mind.

The Rules, such as they are:

  1. Respect others.
    Not just me, either. If you are commenting to one of my posts, you need to respect me and my views, of course, but you also need to respect other people who are commenting on that post. This doesn't mean you have to agree with my point of view, or anyone else's; it does, however, mean that you must be respectful in your interactions and refrain from calling names or otherwise putting others down for their ideas.
  2. Don't copy stuff without attributing and getting permission.
    Obviously if you want to copy-paste your own comment to your LJ or another blog or whatever, that's perfectly fine. But if your comment quotes someone else, you need to ask them permission before you use that quote. If you are commenting on a flocked or otherwise filtered post, you absolutely must ask permission before you reference my post. I will tell you how you can reference me if you really need to use my information in your own post. It will vary from one situation to the next, so always ask. If a post is public, it is fair game, and all I ask is that you attribute it to me and include the direct link.
If you think you can abide by these rules, go ahead and comment to this post and add me as a friend. Once I've added you, you'll be able to go to the filters poll and choose what filters you want to be on.

And welcome to the dream!

psa, friending:rules

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