Pure (Superchick)

Feb 09, 2005 22:59

This is my brand new day starting now
I let go, the things that weigh me down
and rob me of the beauty that's to be found
in life all around
this is my prayer without ceasing
the negative releasing
and as I rise above
my burden is easing

I bring the pure flow
Like water around
the rocks of life won't pull me down
I bring the pure flow
Drink so deep
the river of life
my soul at ease
I bring the pure flow
like water around
the rocks of life won't pull me down
I bring the pure flow
rising above
the storms of life to live and love

This is my brand new day in the light
troubles rising up on the left and the right
I keep my eyes fixed on where I want to go,
the rest will follow
this is my prayer without ceasing
the negative releasing
and as I rise above
my burden is easing.

music:song lyrics, religion:faith, religion:god

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