Must laugh.

Apr 21, 2011 22:13

I've been going through old LJ posts and found one where I did a meme about my LJ use. So I re-did the quiz, and my scores all went up.

The Ultimate LiveJournal Obsession Test
CategoryYour ScoreAverage LJer Community Attachment23.66%
You've got pals to cheer you up when you're down, but no audience to applaud you... Yet.22.86% MemeSheepage33.33%
Easily amused27.36% Original Content53.23%
Using LiveJournal to express a few strong opinions38.01% Psychodrama Quotient13.25%
Had a comment taken out of context once or twice16.5% Attention Whoring20.45%
You do a little dance whenever someone friends you20.58%
Take The Ultimate LiveJournal Obsession Test
and see how you match up!

(By The Ferrett)

This entry was originally posted at You can comment there using OpenID, or you can just comment here; I'm good with whatever.


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