From Twitter 09-02-2010

Sep 03, 2010 04:02

  • 11:18:26: Starting this novel with a breakup scene. Except these two were never REALLY dating, so is it really a breakup?
  • 11:34:39: Ah, the logic of teenagers when dealing with romance... I love writing this stuff. :)
  • 11:41:44: @ Mage Ah, well, that's what the boy is doing here. The girl is a little surprised, to say the least. Starting the book with a broken heart.
  • 11:48:51: @ Mage LOL I used to ask the EXACT SAME QUESTION about myself. As I got older, I got more girly. I think it's part of being a geek-girl. ;)
  • 11:56:36: @ Mage Oh, my geek quotient rose, too. I just started liking more girl stuff, too. I couldn't have married an engineer without being a geek.
  • 12:18:39: The hard part about writing the second book of a trilogy is explaining relationships between people without getting redundant or annoying.
  • 13:21:36: My head hurts. No wonder I don't want to do much of anything today. :(
  • 14:02:19: @ Mage LOL You make me laugh sometimes.
  • 17:29:58: A bit cranky. Gotta go make dinner now. Headache going strong. *sigh* Had a nice bath, though.

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