Dear Camille: 27 Weeks

Sep 23, 2013 19:52

Dear Camille,

We have officially begun the third trimester! You must be excited. I can feel you doing cartwheels. I can SEE you doing cartwheels. Or something. Whatever it is you're doing in there. Rearranging furniture? Breakdancing? Plyometrics?

Right on cue with the third trimester, I have had several very uncomfortable days this week with sleeping problems, back pain, heartburn, and the general unpleasant feeling of my abdomen being stretched out like a balloon. Not every day is miserable (yet), but there were several in a row there that kind of got my attention. I also have had some sort of stomach bug. That's not your fault, but I did want to apologize for feeding you nothing but a little chicken noodle soup and some orange juice yesterday. My regular appetite is still not totally back, and I'm feeling pretty drained, but today has been much better than yesterday.

While I was wallowing uselessly in your dad's recliner yesterday, napping and watching football and trying not to barf, your dad was in your room putting furniture together. Yay! He has your changing table/dresser all done, and it looks great! It's still sitting in the middle of the room because we still haven't dealt with our old furniture, but whatever. The changing pad fits perfectly on top of it, and I am still not over how well the color of it matches your crib. Dad was ready to move on to putting the crib together, too, but we discovered that we can't find any of the bolts (I could have sworn we had them in a zip-lock bag; maybe we accidentally tossed them or helpfully included them with our recent donations to CARC), so we will have to reorder them from the manufacturer and try again another weekend.

We also ordered your carseat and stroller travel system this weekend. Your Granny had another coupon from Babies-R-Us, and this one was for 20% off our entire purchase either in-store OR, HALLELUJAH GLORY BE, ONLINE on the wonderful world wide web with free shipping, tra-la-la. Of course, the cute little pink and grey daisy-fied carseat that I found and loved had a cute little pink and grey daisy-fied coordinating stroller, but it crushed all of my hopes and dreams by not being a jogging stroller. It looked like one at first, but upon further inspection, it was an imposter with plastic wheels instead of hardcore inflatable tires. Since I'd very much like to get back into running once you arrive, we went with a jogging stroller that doesn't 100% match the fabric of your carseat, but there's enough pink and grey that I think they will get along just fine.

My pregnancy app tells me that you are about the size of a head of cauliflower this week, but I have to tell you, I would much prefer estimating your size based on this Junk Food Baby Size Chart from my friend Elizabeth:

Unfortunately this scale does not have weekly measurement comparisons, so right now we'll just have to say you're somewhere between a banana split and a jumbo bag of chips.

You weigh almost 2 pounds now, and you're about 14 inches long. You sleep and wake at regular intervals, you open and close your eyes, and you can detect changes in light. My app says that if I shine a flashlight on my belly, you might move toward or away from the light. We may have to experiment with this the next time you're awake and (literally) bouncing off the walls. Science!

Oh, and here's my favorite thing that I read for this week: We now require an extra 450 calories per day! I'm tempted to make all of those calories come from cinnamon rolls and honeybuns, but I will try to restrain myself. Oh who am I kidding, it's almost Halloween/Thanksgiving/Christmas, bring on the carbohydrates.

In related, less exciting news, the next part says I can "expect to gain between 10 to 12 pounds during this trimester." PSH. Based on past expected-vs-actuals, for me, that translates to 20-22. And did I mention Halloween/Thanksgiving/Christmas?

I think I'll make us some pumpkin cheesecake bars this weekend. Embrace the calories. Elastic waist pants forever!! Or at least for the next 12 weeks. (ONLY 12 MORE WEEKS, WHOA.)

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