Title: The Man Who Believed In Angels
karakuri_doll Rating: G (general audiences)
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: can be read as Sam/Castiel
Genre: drama, angst, pre-slash
Chapters: 1/1
Warnings: none
Spoilers: season 7
Summary: Castiel finally sees Sam for what he is.
Author’s Note: The fic takes place in 7x17 “The Born-Again Identity” right after Castiel tried to
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Comments 14
I love it so much <3<3
*goes off to make banner*
I'm relieved to hear you liked this fic although it isn't very romantic. Sometimes the text just takes a direction that I didn't plan for it to take.
I'm eager to see the banner. ^^
I like to read and write sad fics and this fandom gives a very good chance to do so as everything in Supernatural usually hurts. Still, I feel sorry for Sam and Castiel in this fic. Sam is suffering both mentally and physically and Cas is feeling guilty as hell. Poor boys. :(
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Anyway, thank you so much for your lavish praises. ^^ Your comment made my day. <3
Reading this gave me chills and made me shiver.
I remember this Episode very clearly because I watched it few days ago and I was so sorry for Sam...
Perfeclty written, sweetie. Absolutely. Love it. *prints*
And the banner is just perfect!!!
7.17 is indeed a very emotional episode, both because of Sam's situation and Castiel's comeback. It's easy to feel sorry for them both.
I love the banner, too. ^_^ supernutjapan did amazing job with it. <3
It's easy to feel sorry for them both, oh yes! Sam is such a loving soul and he simply deserves someone taking care of him (besides of Dean).
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