Apr 19, 2010 17:27
Weekends seem to trip me up more than usual recently.
Went up to Seattle on Friday night for board gaming and booze with Hawk and Todd. I was in Seattle around noon for a meeting with a recruiter. We talked for about 45 min, so I think it went well enough.
The board games were fun, though I went over my limit on the drink. Reminded me of a moment in one of the Trader's Tale books I've been listening to. Ishmael describes a night when he was sixteen and he got plastered with his mother. She made sure he was past "drunk" and well into "sick." In the morning, she left him to clean up his mess around the toilet and said only "Remember." Apparently the lesson stuck for Ish and he hasn't overdone it since.
I got back to Kent sometime after noon on Sunday, laid down for a quick nap, and didn't wake up until Monday morning.
I wonder if I sleep better in Kent because of some psychological reason (being near my stuff, sleeping under familiar blankets, etc.) or because my pile of pillows and blankets is more physically comfortable for sleeping than Hawk's couch.