A quick note

Feb 03, 2010 15:39

Just a quick note to say that Seattle has won the "Get me to move to your city" non-contest.

Unless, of course, I find a good job in the Denver area before the 28th.

The request from my landlords has changed and the move-out deadline is now the 13th of Feb. The plan now is to keep packing my life into boxes again, and crash with some other friends in CO from the 13th to the 28th-ish, then load up a truck and drive out to isiltari's place in Kent, WA. And also to tell Kroger that I'm going mentally stir-crazy in this job, and physically breaking down. I don't remember the last time my shins and knees were in this state of constant mild pain and discomfort. Also I'm pretty sure my knees didn't used to pop when I knelt.

Unfortunately, this job has trained me in unpacking boxes, stocking shelves, and packing empty boxes into the cardboard bailer, not packing boxes and loading a truck.
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