So, this morning I had four installers to rebuild and test by four. Mostly minor-ish changes. "Okay, not so bad. I can put off lunch until four and get them done," I think.
The four installers are:
- Full installer for version (~1.3GB) (v was Tuesday's build. As far as I know, there was primarily a build for the sake of increasing the build number.)
- Limited Edition version (~110MB)
- Limited Edition version Server (~20MB)
- Version patch (upgrades from (~10MB)
One of the updates is to the language xml file to include a bunch of new Spanish translations. In the course of updating a few of those, I found about some items that hadn't been translated yet. So I had to go through the database to find all the missing ones and give a list to my boss. After he got most of them translated, I had to update the database again.
MEANWHILE, the installers take a while to build and test and while they build, my dev machine is crippled. Have I mentioned the InstallShield IDE loves to eat RAM more than AeroGlass and FireFox?
Around 4 PM I had everything finished, just testing a little bit more on the full version, when my boss finished the rest of the translations, and it was decided the deadline would slip from 4 to 5:30 (to get to the airport fedex by 6, instead of the more local fedex drop off that closes at 4:30 (five?))
So I left at 4:15 to get lunch: quiznos. Brought the sandwich back to the office and ate while installers re-built and installed.
Got the CDs burned by 5:40, handed them to the web developer (he goes by the airport on his way home) and hoped for the best.
Forgot to talk to the boss about working four tens ... Also need to get vacation time approved for Anime Central next month ...