It's been nearly a week since I last posted. Not a lot has happened.
Notable things:
I bought a new media shelf unit for holding DVDs. I put it together and realized it's a large black rectangle that looks close to having its sides be a
1:4:9 ratio, though I haven't measured to be sure. (On closer inspection and measurement, it's closer to 1:3:8. Sad.)
I went up near Seattle for the weekend, playing games and hanging out with
duaiwe, Amie and Todd. Much fun was had, as well as some tasty tasty greek food on Saturday night.
Around 1 or 2AM on Sunday, Amie and Hawk and I started a game of Trivial Pursuit. Apparently my trivia-brain is good for something after all, especially at 3AM. The "Genus Edition" of Trivial Pursuit we were playing had a copyright of 1981, so you can imagine how topical the Entertainment category was. I was deemed "creepy" with my random knowledge such as "Who was known as 'The Hero of San Juan Hill?' Teddy Roosevelt." or "What is Greta Gustafsson's stage name? Greta Garbo." (60% guess)
Sunday afternoon we played again, with Todd this time, until after three hours most people had lost interest and I only had 5 of six slices (everyone else had 1 to 3).
Drove Hawk home and got home in time to fall in to bed and wake up to be groggy for work.
I finished Firstborn and am only slightly angry at the ending. It's hardly the conclusion of a trilogy. In a page and a half, it sets up the main conflict for a fourth book, but with Clarke dead and the subtitle being "The conclusion of A Time Odyssey," it seems unlikely there will be a fourth book. Baxter's a great writer though. He could easily pick up the thread and run with it in a new series.
Started Snow Crash (yes, I haven't read it yet. Stop yelling at me, I'm reading it now!) and found the first few chapters so engrossing I hadn't noticed I'd been at lunch for an hour and a half. This does not bode well for my writing productivity ...
alarin612 is starting a game set in Alternia's Mystic Frontier, and when asked for a background for my character, I seem to have fleshed out the history of a country, or at least a longstanding clan in a country... It remains to be seen how influential the O'Connor clan is.