Mar 10, 2007 19:57
Woke up around 8 this morning when some sort of droning, screeching whine started outside somewhere ... I gave up on sleep and settled on the couch for some Saturday morning cartoons. The Batman episode had surprisingly little Batman in it. Around 12:30 I back to bed for a nap.
Odd dreams about candy bars ...
I woke up a little after four, hungry for a Snickers.
I had plans of walking to the convenience store, or going to Safeway to get more than just a candy bar, but have yet to act on them.
New plans are forming ... I'm watching Walk The Line on HBO, and when it's over I'm going to take the laptop, walk down to Old Chicago and write. Writing doesn't necessarily preclude drinking, but I don't plan to drink tonight.
I'm itchin to travel again ... feels like I've been too long between road trips. Planning a small trip up to Seattle at the end of the month, but that's just Seattle. Only a 3hr trip (a three hour tour?) so it doesn't really count. Maybe I'll drive out to CO in April instead of flying. Probably not though.
Karak Fact #78 - I have four first cousins, all on Mom's side, two from each uncle.
karak facts