Testing day

Nov 08, 2006 22:39

Today was spent mostly testing the latest version of MedVisor, which gets kind of boring after a while ...

But, I did managed to find an entertaining bug that made the programmers chuckle. I don't believe it got fixed, and it was able to be reproduced in older versions and clasified as an "old bug" One of the small things that hasn't been fixed because "we'll fix it in the rewrite"

On my way home, I was stuck behind someone going 30 in a 40 zone. It was raining, but not that much. Visibility was at least 95%, and the roads were wet, but not slick. It did give me time to hear the traffic report before I got on the highway though, and the report was "Bad." Both I-5 and I-205, the only way across the Columbia between Vancouver and Portland, were both backed up. Apparently there was an accident near Oregon City at the southern end of 205, about 16 miles into Oregon, that had Southbound traffic backed up to the Glen Jackson bridge, which spans the Columbia. Because people were trying to bail from 205, I-84 Westbound was backed up pretty much between the 5 and the 205. 5 was also backed up for several miles. I decided I'd kill time wandering around the local Borders instead of sitting in traffic.

And, while I was there, I picked up the Ghost in the Shell Stand Alone Complex First Gig. ^_^ I saved about $8 in tax with my new handy-dandy Oregon Driver's License. Oregon doesn't have a sales tax, you see. Businesses in Vancouver (and probably other cities in surrounding states) will grant tax exemption on goods for Oregon residents. Not food service. *shrug*

Watched the first disc tonight.

Yesterday I started moving stuff out of the former-computer-room-now-madscience's-room so he could start moving things in. He said he planned to sleep on the floor in here (the computer is still in the room) but seems to have fallen asleep in the overstuffed black chair. I can't blame him, it's a comfy chair.

I also killed two birds with one stone yesterday ... sorta. One of the minor things "wrong" with the apartment was that one door on the Master Bedroom closet wasn't sliding right. Turns out one of the wheels was gone from the door, so there was only one wheel in the track. It slid alright if you were lifting up on the missing side. I took the door out of the track and propped it agains the window, blocking the security light that's outside. Now there isn't a green glow in my bedroom, and the closet is ... as functional? I call it a win.

Note to self: Spend Saturday morning cleaning the hamster cages. I let that go too long again ... :/

And a note about the novel: It may end up being a collaborative effort between alarin612 and me. While we were talking last night, he noted that the world of Alternia probably wouldn't have survived with out my input, and I noted I haven't written this much about anything in a long time, so we seem to be feeding off eachother's engergy in this project. He wants to write the big dramatic fight scene that is the world altering event of the story, which is fine with me since it's primarily his characters and personas in the fight. ;)

life, dvds, reality engineering, writing

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