Bizarre dreams and long days

Sep 05, 2006 21:00

I actually had this dream yesterday morning, but kept forgetting to post it.

I was playing a Fallout game, then I was in the game. I was trying to help a group of 4-5 people, who were hiding in a shack that was actually neonphog's grandfather's garage. Someone was by neonphog's house with a shotgun. The recent remodel of the house hadn't happened yet, the old porch was still there and there was no garage. I ran toward the house, trying to distract the person with the gun? After dodging a shot, I leapt off a log (tree stump? The remains of the dutch elm that was cut down a decade ago) and was hit in the left shoulder. For reasons that remain unclear, I became a cat, an orange tabby, and hid under a bush in the "forrest" between the two houses. (this makes a lot more sense if you know the layout of the property, I suppose ... don't feel like going in to that much detail at the moment). I was successfully hidden from the guy with the gun, but a young girl saw me and came to investigate. I told her to go away before he found me. She got up and walked off, then I woke up.

Today seemed like a longer day that it really was, I think. I woke up at 8:30 with the intention of looking for / calling apartments before I left for work at 9:30. Instead I read LiveJournal and checked my email. Skipped breakfast and worked on minor projects until the dev meeting at 2, which went until 4:30. I started working on a quick project, but decided I was too hungry, so went and got lunch.

Came back just after 5 to a mostly empty office. As I sat down, Michael the lead programmer was shutting his programs down for the night. Worked on my project to import user data from an excel file into the SQL database until 7:30 or so (my .NET is a bit rusty ...) then decided to go home.

On the way home, I drove by an apartment I'm looking at for pyratejack and me, and got slightly lost on the way home.

Now I'm debating having dinner or not ... maybe I'll just have some of the Jello I made the other night.

I did get paid today though, which is good. Too bad I won't get my next check until early Oct ...

Also, based on the poll results, you people seem in favor of me shaving my head, or at least a buzz cut ...


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