I'm well on my way to starting to write chapter two ... ;)
It will be posted in the writing filter on Friday, and be up for public consumption the following Monday.
On the Sunday of the Advanced Course we talked a bit about the SELP (Self Expression and Leadership Program), the final piece of the Curriculum for Living, and it was noted that the fish market in Seattle (I think ... can't remember) famous for throwing fish around, had the throwing of the fish invented as someone's SELP project, to make work more fun.
There are probably hundreds of other things like that in the world. Things someone invented in their SELP course and it just took off ;)
I asked Onca to look for possible places in Eugene, OR to start the store (haven? Need to find a name ...) and she said she found an appartment complex for sale. How awesome would that be?
Gut the first (ground) floor to have that be the sales floor / cafe. Knock down a few walls on the second floor to combine apartments into gaming spaces. Leave some apartments untouched for living space for me, possibly some employees ... Use extra rooms for smaller gatherings / inventory storage. :) "Karak's Gaming Haven" ?
"Give me a kiss to build a dream on, and my imagination will thrive upon that kiss." Too bad she's a thousand miles away ... Does my love obey some sort of weird law where how deeply I fall in love is in inverse proportion to the distance between my love an I? It certainly seems like I fall harder for those farther away ... Brianna in Chicago,
holly_lama in Minnesota / England, and my new lady friend ... Imagine how hard I'd fall for a woman in China or Japan ... ;)
"I can't resist you, what good is there in trying?"
As it stands now, my vacation plans are to visit my folks in AZ early to mid October, then spend a week or more in Oregon, scouting out locations for business around Thanksgiving.
*flops into bed and wonders if he could flollop if he tried hard enough ... *