Intentional Physical Violence, part II -or- Sometimes Violence *IS* the Answer

May 08, 2005 21:14

Some of you know the story of the first person I struck in anger. Most of you don't. Perhaps I'll tell that story some other time .. but for now, I shall regale you with the tale of the second person I've struck in anger.

fulvius came over tonight for reasons known only to him. When I asked he said he though Lynn would be here, and he came to pick up a few items remaining in his old room. That done, he sat in the living room with us and watched American Dad. I tolerated it, because I knew he'd leave sooner or later, and I figured I'd tell him to leave after American Dad anyway.

He asked if he could make a cup of tea. A simple enough request, but because he has angered me so, and shown up out of the blue, I denied the request. He asked again. Repeatedly I gave him the same answer.

It was at this time that he noted the reason he had asked first. That being that he doesn't live here anymore. Naturally, I asked why he showed up here unannounced. He gave the reasons stated above, noting that now he was waiting for his mother to pick him up, then proceeded to get a cup of water.

"Fine" I thought to myself, sighing inwardly. "Let him have a cup of water." He then turns on a light in the kitchen and mumbles something about tea. Looking over at him from my chair, I tell him "Go wait outside."

"Fuck you" came the reply.

"Get out of my house," I told him.

"Physically throw me out."

"Alright." I thought to myself, rising from my chair and walking up to him. Grabbing the front of his shirt, I spun him 'round so he was between me and the door. Gave him a hard shove, he fell back a few paces. Shoved him again, he fell back into the couch (or, more accurately, the folding tables propped up behind the couch). Once he regained his footing, he crossed his arms infront of his chest, hands posed as if for some martial art manuver. Two more shoves and he was at the door. Drobe helpfully stepped in and opened the door for him, then slammed it shut. I opened it again to throw fulvius his things before slamming the door on him again.

Settling in for the rest of American Dad, I told Drobe "That felt pretty good."

jaehop, memories

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