Something very exciting came out of the Dev Team meeting on Wednesday.
See, a while back, I created a module that will read data for a given
Viadesto site and spit out RSS 2.0 formatted XML.
Matthew took that and made an XSL sheet that an info page could use. This sheet took the data from the rss feed and turned it into a "recent updates" type page. It wasn't particularly useful or elegant (since it called the server half a dozen times to render the page) but it sharpened his skills and was a fun activity.
So, this brings me to the fun thing I get to do this month. I get to bastardize Matthew's XSL sheet and turn it into a layout that will be able to read from external RSS feeds, such as CNN, /., Neil Gaiman's blog, even Live Journals. ^_^
I forgot about this after the meeting and remembered it when I was looking at my userinfo and saw that I was watching Neil's blog feed. Since I mentioned him specifically as an example in the meeting, that moment in the meeting jumped to the forefront of my mind.
Funny how the mind works sometimes, isn't it?
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