Not really, but some fun links.
First, for the Doctor Who fans -
the BBC Doctor Who page, you've probably seen this before, but on the off chance that you haven't ...
I highly recommend checking out the Webcasts. I watched
Scream of the Shalka last night. Some very good quotes, besides being an excellent Doctor adventure. "Before I die, I have some last words for the universe, and they are: ... BATTERY LOW?!" - The Doctor, falling toward a black hole, leaving a message on an answering machine.
Secondly, The HitchHiker's Guide to the Galaxy is
coming back to BBC Radio in a new series, with Douglas Adams himself playing Agrajag! Most of the original cast returns is back as well. Simon Jones, Geoffry McGivern, Mark Wing-Davey, Stephen Moore and Susan Sheridan. As Peter Jones is unavailable for his role as The Book, his friend William Franklyn replaces him.
/me squees with delight, hearing Adams say "This is my last body, my last life. This is my revenge body, my Kill-Arthur-Dent body!"
check out the
mp3 trailer and the
movie version of the trailer (downloadable as quicktime). Both are most excellent, and slightly different from eachother.