certain people need to look at this.
oh just read it.
~Boring Basics~
What do people call you?:: erIN/rin/crazy squirrel/crazy
Gender?: le smarter one
How long have you been living?:: uuuh ...a while
Where were you born?: Arizona, best place EVER it kicks our collective ass
Where do you reside?:: uuuh in a house
Who do you live with?:: my madre y hermano
Any pets?: my DOG and he is the best creature ever. he's smarter than ME.
Grade?: sophomore
Height?:: five...egihtish
Eye color?:: blueish...greyish...and ornage stripes....
Skin color?:: bright green with blue polka dots
Hair?:: um, soon to be neonish...orange, or red. whichever comes out of the bottle.
Wear glasses/contacts?: glasses but not right now
Any piercings?: yesh my ears
Tattoos?: no...-t yet....
What can you usually be seen wearing?:: pajamas
Makeup?:: sure sometimes
Jewelry?:: yes my awesome butterfly necklace (one of them) and earrings and bracelets and whatnot. no rings, though...I don't have any. :(
Do you like the way you look?:: not really
What would you change?:: I wouldn't have OCD because that would change a lot about how I look.
How do you normally feel?:: confused and mixed emotions...but generally a good bit of hyperness
What is usually on your mind?:: things that decide to be there...usually music, actually
How would you describe your personality?:: weird, crazy, amusing...ask someone else
Do you hide how you really feel or show it?:: usually...uuum...I don't know?
Do you like how you think?:: usually yes
Do you have low self-esteem??: sometimes
Are you confident: somehow, I have low self-esteem but people say I seem confident. so sure. confidence is sexy, I hear. like eating lice.
Color?:: orange because it rocks
Food?:: uuuh.......I love toast.
Beverage?:: coke...I'm a classic kinda gal
Book?:: aaaaagh can't pick one!
Author?:: Francesca Lia Block, and um, others...Rachel Cohen
Toy?:: haha uuum, iPod...does that count?
Person?:: oh LORDY I dunno
Animal?: my dog. but monkeys are pretty cool, too
Place?:: the beeeeach. oye I heart oceans
Article of clothing?:: underwear rule the world
Website?:: uuuuuuuuh, illwillpress.com
Holiday?:: blegh
Invention?:: soy products so TinkerMange can be a happy camper!
Cheese?: cheddar
Cookie?:: oatmeal chocolate chip if my Granny makes them
Pizza topping?: mushrooms!
Candy?:: uuuuum, Sour Patch Kids are tasty
Perfume/Cologne/Scent?:: Perfume: Happy Cologne: uum, Adidas is nice...;)
Bath item?:: soap and washcloth....and my rubber ducky...he's the one!
Store?:: Goodwill...Salvation Army and the like
Texture?:: fuzzy and soft
Noise?:: music
Taste?:: chocolate
Game?:: name that tune! and pictionary-derived games played in Art/Drawing that end up being very inappropriate but Pete laughs at them anyways
Sport?:: swimming
Thing to do?:: talk hahahaha
Weather?:: either really nice and sunny but not humid or super-duper thunder storm
Instrument?:: geetar and drums
Word/phrase?: shit piss fuck cunt cocksucker motherfucker turd and twat. I fucked your mom.
Body part?: hands. lips. eyes.
~Love/Relationships/And all that fun stuff~
Single or taken?: taken thank you
If single, How long have you been single?::
How many past relationships did you have?:: uuum, 1
Why did the last one end?:: because I'm "really nice, but you [me] can be really annoying." awesome!
Are you currently in search for a significant other?:: nooo...
Ever been kissed?: yes
How old were you when you got your first kiss?: haHA fourteen...less than a week from being fifteen, though
How many people have you kissed?: two. HA
How about that tongue?: how's about it?
Ever been in love?:: think so
Do you believe in love?: yeah sure I think
Any regrets?:: nope
Do you like being single better or being taken?:: uuum, I like em both purty equally
If taken, What is your significant other's name?:: Nik
How long have you been together?:: 2 months and 24 days. ish.
Where did you meet?:: school
Describe them.: um, taller than me, longish hair, funny, cute, really really cute.....
Virgin or no?: I was having fetal sex!
Have any fetishes?:: oh yeah loads of them
Turn-ons?:: long hair...brown eyes...scrawniness...
Turn-offs?:: smoking (ciggys) because it'd be like kissing an ashtray, I think...meat-eating because it'd be like kissing a steak if it were like, after dinner...you know
Where do you like to be touched?: sure why not: my neck, small of my back, shoulders and arms
What kind of person are you attracted to?:: funny, tall, skinny
Are you dominant or submissive?:: uuum, probably dominant but I don't know. I asked Jason for a second opinion. he said dominant. hahaha.
Prefer to be on the top or bottom?:: ha I wouldn't know!
Into bondage/bdsm/s&m/or any of that other fun stuff?:: uh, not particualarly
Do you like biting/being bitten?: haha SURE!
Into spanking?: oh YES
How about those whips?: no no they would hurt
How many close friends do you have?: um, not too many...I'm thinking 5
Who always makes you smile?: Nik and Jason and TinkerMange and Laurenzo and Ebats
Makes you laugh?: my DOG, man, he's hilarious, and Sydnie always makes me giggle, at the very least.
Makes you happy?: my DOG and um, Nik and Mange and Ebats and erm, Jason makes me all smiley, too
Who is always there for you?: my dog
Who can you trust the most?: damn my dog is like, dominating this thing. and TinkerMange. and Nik and Jason. and I trust Brooke a lot, too...when we talk and whatnot.
Trust the least?: parents, man, they'll tell ANY story for a laugh. even if it's the story where you were upset because you thought you'd never get boobs. erm, hypothetically.
Who would you give your life for?: oh guawd. my mom. my brother. my dog. my dad.
Are you social?: I've been called a social butterfly by my teachers. just not usually in a good way. :D
Do you like to talk to people?: yes usually
Are you a conversation starter?: oftentimes
Do you like to be the center of attention?: yes I do. quoth Nik: TAAA DAAA!!!!!
Would you just like to be unnoticed?: not usually. but sometimes. :D TAAA DAAAA!! if it would get me attention.
Do social situations make you nervous?: not really
Do you talk to strangers?: often
What is one weird encounter you’ve had with a stranger?: that one time on Wednesday when that guy tried to pick me up in the airport by saying "did someone tell you it was going to be really cold today?"
What’s one of the nicest things someone said do you?: well, about me, "she has the most beautiful eyes."
One of the meanest?: um. "a pathetic, self-obsessed cunt"
Favorite genre?:: indie/underground. I'm so indie, I look up at the undnerground!
Bands?:: Ben Folds (HA so not indie but oh well), Elliot Smith, Bright Eyes, Broken Social Scene...and then I like classic rock, too
Play anything?:: HAVE played numerous things CURRENTLY play nothing
In a band?:: no I wish
Been to any good concerts?:: yes I have! Pistol Pete and the Smoking Guns rock my face off!
Are you a mosher?: most definetely
Best concert memory?:: Andreas and me being pals. :D
Worst concert memory?: having to leave the Bouncing Souls concert after Randy ended up being a no-show
Any bands you would like to see?:: The Beatles, duhr, too bad it's impossible now...Broken Social Scene, Ben Folds, Elliot Smith, again now impossible, Pavement!
Fave show?: uuum I Love The [decade]'s
Fave reruns?: I Love The [decade]'s, and, erm, well Friends I admit it.
Fave channel?: VH1, baby!
Fave cartoon?: Spongebob, I 'spose
Have any shows get cancelled that made you mad?: Invader Zim!!!! he was the SHIT! he was my shit!
Fave movie?: Donnie Darko. yeah I know now everyone loves it. well TOO BAD I win anyways.
Genres?: drama and comedy
Most disappointing movie you saw?: The Village
Rather go to the movies or sat at home?: sit at home, usually, watching movies
Fave actor?: Jake Gylenhaal
Actress?: I'm not sure....I really like Maggie Gylenhaal, though, haha, and Kirsten Dunst but that's just because of Jake. they broke up! YESS!
Director?: Silent Bob all the way.
~This or That~
Phone or IM?: IM so as to talk to more people at once
Lights on or off?: off...rawr
Talk or listen?: oh both
Wax or shave?: wax despite the pain. haha no shave actually. I think. depends on the...ahem...area
Write or type?: write
Burn in hell with people you love or be in heaven alone?: in hell with people I love
Have someone stab you or stab yourself?: stab myself
Eat shit or drink piss?: okay that's too much. but drink piss I suppose. it's healthier than shit. wow that's a great decision to make.
Kiss (a long one not a peck) a family member or someone of the same sex: someone of the same sex
Kill yourself or someone else?: kill myself
Be blind or deaf?: blind
Shower or bath?: bath. or a shower sitting down.
Hot tub or pool?: a pool with a heater, damnit!
Be entertained or entertain?: I usually am entertainging myself whilst I entertain others, so entertain I get the best of both worlds. I amuse myself. wow.
White chocolate or dark chocolate?: dark
Outdoors or indoors?: indoors in the winter, outdoors in the summer spring and fall
Eating?: just had some ice cream
Drinking?: nothing
Listening to?: musics...haha that Redneck Woman song but Imagine was on before it. shuffle is great.
Wearing?: hahahaha! a bikini top because it makes me feel sexy, pajama bottoms, Betty Boop undies
Talking to?: myself, Sydnie, Gina
Doing?: uh, this survey? wanting pizza with veggies on it, too
Thinking?: I'm not trashy, I'm just hardcore.
How ya feeling?: pretty good, actually. this song puts me in a good mood, hahaha.
Book reading?: Brave New World that is such a fucked up book. all sex sex sex. much much sex. thank you, Freud.
Ate?: ice cream
Drank?: soy milk
Listened to?: Imagine/Redneck Woman
Wore?: before this I had my Independent shirt on because it is beastly and TinkerMange grew out of it.
Talked to?: Jason and Nik and just now Tracey momentarily. before Gina. and Sydnie throughout.
Said?: hi, dog.
Did?: stretched my back out and kinda skanked in a circle with my chest. I'll show you sometime to explain what I mean.
Watched?: some documentary on a runner that Garth had on
Time you vomited?: sort of kind of on Thursday night
Were sick?: Thursday night
Cry?: Tuesday night
Book read?: oh wow I forgot already...erm, the Five People You Meet In Heaven
Movie watched?: Napoleon Dynamite
Person hugged?: my mom and my dog. oh person. Mom
Person kissed?: depends on how...peck my mom...not a peck Nik;)
Person you saw?: my brother
Hospital visit?: a little over a year ago. wait, no. um, in April I think. mighta been May.
What annoys the hell out of you?: stupid people
What do your sheets look like?: they're green. but once I can get some money out of the bank, my whole entire room's gonna be Hello Kitty
Have any nifty talents?: my elbows bend in really far, I can twitch my nose in a cool way, flare my nostrils, and raise my eyebrows individually.
Been to any neat places?: um, Pennsylvania. HAHA no Germany and France and England, though. not Pennsylvania. I'd be so cool if I'd been there.
What do you think about guys wearing skirts and makeup?: whatever floats your boat!
Are you into the whole religion thing?: not particularly...I've kind of made up my own
You like fuzzy stuff?: YES
How about sparkly and glittery stuff?: I heart glittery and sparkly things so much, I want to draw a big, red, glittery, sparkly heart around them
If you could get rid of one thing in the world what would it be?: I would legalize marijuana and understand people better.
You into drugs or are they a no no for you?: dunno fo shizzle...not till I'm 18, though
Ever wear underwear meant for the opposite sex?: yup! I own three pairs. they've never BEEN worn by the opposite sex, but damn they be comfy.
~List 5 fears you fear~
-: aliens
-: dying
-: being in excrutiating pain
-: being alone
-: realizing I was wrong about things
~List 5 things you can’t live without~
-: music
-: hair/fur
-: animals
-: trees
-: stars
~List 5 things you hope for your future~
-: being famous
-: changing the world
-: being okay with myself
-: not dying a virging(:D)
-: beating the shit out of someone. being in a barfight and breaking a beer bottle for use as a weapon.
~My Survey has come to an end~
Did you enjoy yourself?: sure
It sucked huh?: eh not a lot
What are you going to do now?: stuff