Day 23 ; Bonnie Bennett (The Vampire Diaries)
So many people detest this character because she speaks her mind, expects the best from people, has this firm moral code... why is this bad again? Bonnie does speak her mind, but only when trying to fix a unordered situation; she expects the best of people because she wants to believe in humanity, and the person she expects most of, is herself. The strong moral code she follows effects everything she does and it is what makes her loyal, selfless, and good. Bonnie has proved more then once that she would sacrifice herself for her family and friends, and she does this even though she's gone though so much pain. She started out as this innocent, fun-loving girl, but then she discovered her powers, evil, and what responsibility she now had. She had to protect people. If threatening or killing a psychopathic vampire will help save lives, she will do what she has to. Bonnie becomes a heavy-hearted, authoritative, still sweet woman, who will do anything she can for others.
Day 24 ; Kahlan Amnell (Legend of the Seeker)
Kahlan is a woman of intelligence, determination and honor. She constantly goes out of her way to help others, even when it is inconvenient for herself and the people she travels with. Kahlan is also a leader. Even before becoming the Mother Confessor she would see what is right and just. She may sometimes think selfishly, but she always does what is right, and after all she does for others, she has the right to be selfish sometimes. However, biggest critic is herself, so she will always end up doing the right thing, even if she wishes things could be different. Kahlan is also a skilled fighter, but tries not to kill anyone, and most of all, hates confessing others, for she doesn't like the thought of someones life revolving around her. After the rejection she received from her father because of who she was, and being forced to use her powers to confess good men, she should be very quick to doubt her powers, and keep people at arms length. Nevertheless, the love she experienced out-weighed the bad things in her life, so she has become a caring, open woman.