A wild Karafuru appears!

Nov 24, 2011 21:42

I feel like I'm talking to myself but anyway, long story short:
  • My soul was lost to K-pop a few months ago. I can at least proudly say I put up a fight, but to no avail. I have 5 SHINee ICONS, FIVE. I'm going to a Kpop concert/festival/thingy next year, if that's not making it official, I don't know what is. I find this all to be quite ironic. And tragic.
  • My kpop biases are all ridiculously young, I feel like I have no morals anymore.
  • I still love my Yamapi, haters to the left. Even when he refuses to get haircuts and... what is NEWS? OMG DVD, drama *kjahsdbjhagdYEAH* CM where he plays Suneo from Doraemon! I can't hear you over all of his projects!! I seriously want to read that Koyashige fanfic book Shige just wrote though.
  • Twitter? Twitter!
  • I intend to update mostly to spam kpop toin_vulnerableat some point in the near future, hopefully. And that's how I repay her for giving me awesome Tomapi fanfic for my birthday. Which brings me to:
  • I'm a horrible person, feel free to unfriend me.
  • Exactly two years ago today,in_vulnerable and I were strolling the streets of Shibuya, seeing Yamapi billboards larger than life and squealing like little girls when the Tomapi interview came up while we were visiting the Johnny's Family Club. Oh, the memories *sigh*

news, tomapi, japan 2009, kpop, stuff, random, yamashita tomohisa, shinee, fandom

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