The Road So Far - 06 & 07 / supernatural ep review

Apr 22, 2010 22:45

Two moar Supernatural comics!

Oh, Skin. You gave us shirtless Dean, and then two seconds later showed him peeling his skin off, making his teeth fall out, and generally making this kind of funny yet uncomfortable constipated face. But ooh, glowy!eyes Dean, and a really cool opening, and just a great ep all around.

Quote is Dean's, from earlier in the ep when he's trying to get Sam's attention. Ha!

Oh damn, in hindsight I forgot to put in the Peter Pan joke, instead originally remembering the pillow fight line. DAMN I think the Peter Pan joke would have been funnier. EITHER WAY. In this ep we get Dean and Sam researching together, a cool ghost, and our first SPN kiss! I completely forgot about Sam macking on the preacher's daughter! SAM, your girlfriend just died! Tsk tsk.

Again with the quote misplacement, this is from earlier in the ep when Sam and Dean are lurking and see some girls walk by, and Dean (while looking ADORABLE) comments 'whoa, sorority girls, think we'll see a naked pillow fight?'

YES THIS WAS UP EARLIER but I decided to re-post after I watched SPN so I could blab about the new ep.


Oh wow, okay so, I thought the gods were AWESOME. I wanted to watch them all talk together for at least another hour, it was way too brief. Don't mock my world turtle! KALI WAS AMAZING. Oh man, Tori, ahaha I got so excited to see another BSG actor on the show. Loved the Western arrogance thing. MARKSHA. Oh holy shit, when he was standing in that blood splattered hallway I got CHILLS. And his confrontation with Gabriel, I'm sorry, but Marksha out-acts every single person on this show. Also, I might be in the minority here, but I love the Trickster/Gabriel and I was sad to see that charming asshole go.

Babar reference FTW!

MATT FREWER OMG. TRASHCAN MAN!! MY LIFE FOR YOURS!! And he was so. gross. Holy shit. Also WHAT THE FUCK Y'ALL with the rings! And the hidden cage! It's just like...added on! Five Three eps left and btw here's a huge undertaking! Why did we ever need any filler eps this season? Though at least this means the rest of this season will be exciting.

My only question now is why is Cas not back? He came back from the first banishing thing okay, so why all of a sudden is he ~lost~? (Though if you know spoilers don't tell me, ahahaa)

I didn't watch the preview, so please no spoilers for future eps!

ETA: Also? I know they've been linked to all over the place, but I LOVE the new pics of Jensen and Danneel. And I really want Danneel's dress.

- And this can't be missed: Sam/Castiel - My Freeze Ray

- Does the guy in Letters To Juliet not look like a cross between Heath Ledger and Ryan Phillipe!? ...And I'm probably misspelling that.

art: the road so far, tv: supernatural

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